Chapter 23

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Harry's POV

I was getting everything ready for Emily's and I surprised date. Alice was taking her shopping for her to get something nice, Emily thought it was just a girl's day out. She is supposed to have her back and dressed in about twenty minutes. I went to my closet to try and pick something out. A few of her clothes were in here, for awhile she has been sleeping with me.

I would wake in the middle of the night and find her still sleeping. I would watch her chest rise and fall gently moving to rythem. Her long eye lashes would sit just right right on her slightly pink cheeks, giving her a child's look. When she was sleeping she was quiet and calm, much different then when she was awake. I didn't see a hurt girl, she looked strong and healthy. I sometimes wished she slept with a smile so I could see it more often. I wanted totouch her soft cheeks but I didn't want to disturb her and ruin the perfect moment. The sheets only came up to her hip, so every night I would pull them up to her chin. She would snuggle into them. I watch her for hours or what felt like it, before snuggling up to her. I would wrap her in my arms and bring her into my chest.

I look in the mirror at what I'm wearing. A white dress shirt and black pants just right for the date I have planned. I check my watch realizing Emily should be here any minute. I here the door slam and I walk out. She is in something she just got her hair did and nails done. The red dress was skin tight and went half way down her thighs. She wore braclets on one wrist to cover her scars and her cast covered the other.Even in the cast she looked beautiful the moonlight catching her face just the right way.

"Why do you look nice? I just wanted to show you the new dress. Alice made me wear it home." She had a look of confusion on her face.I held out my hand for her and she took it gladly a smile forming on her lips. I took her into the kitchen and she gasped. Her highheels cliaked as she walked towards the table it covered in white cloth. I candle in the middle, plates set and wine glasses sitting out. "Harry how very cliche of you. It makes me feel like a princess." She clapped her hands and turned around to me a grin reaching her eyes.

"Just without the poofy dress."

"These are modern times I'm going sexy." I laughed and so did she. I pulled her chair out for her and she sat.

"Some wine ma'am?"

"Why thank you kind sir." I poured her a glass then me. "Harry why are you doing this?"

"I just want to make your last few weeks special." She eyed me with suspicion but took it anyway. I felt bad that Louis knew her secret I wasn't sure when to tell her, but now wasn't the time or place.

"Good enough for me. So what's for dinner?" I rang a bell and out came Niall dressed as a butler. "Oh how cute."

"Madam your food." Niall set warm plates on top of ours.

"There's a bit missing." I looked at Emily with confusion then looked towards Niall.


"I couldn't help myself I did make it. Had to make sure it was good." Emily laughed and a laugh started to bubble in my chest.

"Its okay Niall." She said with a smile.

"Your dismissed." I said with a wave of a hand. Niall left quickly most likely meeting up with Alice. Emily took a bit. "Is it good?"

"Amazing." We ate laughing and joking refilling our glasses multiple times. "So Harry tell me do you have any hidden talents?" I looked at her with suspicion then I rubbed my hands together.

"Well I used to be in a band and I was the singer."

"Well let me hear it, swoon me with your voice." She leaned herelbows onthe table, resting her head in her hands. I stood slowly.

"Alright well I think I have a song that fits. How about Little Things by that one boy band One Direction?"

"Good enough."

"Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me

But bear this mind it was meant to be

And I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks

And it all makes sense to me

I know you've never loved the crinkles by your eyes when you smile,

You've never loved your stomach or your thighs

The dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine

But i'll love them endlessly

I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth

But if I do, it's you, oh it's you, they add up to

I'm in love with you and all these little things."

I stopped singing she blinked, and continued to stare. This was all so crazy.


"I know it was horrible."

"No that was amazing, maybe you should go on one of those singing shows." I just laughed and sat down. "I mean it."

"Do you have any hidden talents?" She pursed her lips taking my question into consideration.

"Well I've beentold I'm good in bed." She gave me a devil of a smile. I grabbed her out of her chair and ran her into the bedroom. We made love and after we were finished we laid there holding each other.

"Now your real non sexual hidden talent."

"Well I guess I have two. I can play guitar and i write. Stories, poems, songs, anything really."

"You are just too amazing aren't you."

"I guess, but I lied to you at frist. Now that we're together I know you would never lie to me about anything." Just then the guilt of Louis knowing ate me up. I was about to tell her. "Harry?"


"I love you."

"I love you too." Then she fell asleep. This wasn't the time or place to be telling her. I didn't know if there would ever come a time. But in the moonlight of my bedrom this was all I needed. Emily, and her closeness.

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