Chapter 19

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Emily's POV

We went to an Italian resturant meeting up with the boys and their girlfriends. Louis has always been my favourite out of all the boys I love them all nut we connect besides me and Harrry. Lou is the only other person besdies Harry and Alice I feel like I connect with. So i sat between Harry and Louis. "You look amazing!" Louis practially yelled in my ear.

"Well at least you can use one word." I interjected looking over at Harry as he just grinned. "Your a goof ball."

"Only for you babe." He did his eye wiggle that I love so much. Why didn't I just date him sooner?! Looking at Alice from across the table she gave me a wink. If I could embarass her right now I so totally would. Then it dawned on msmile grew on my lips, and when Alice caught sight of it she had a look of horror.

"Hey Alice", I let the words fall from my lips long and slow, so everyone would look my way. "Do you remember back in grade four you were drinking chocolate milk and Diane said something really funny?"

"No I don't Emily!"

"I do. How can you not? You started laughing so hard milk came out your nose!"

"Oh yeah! Then milk started coming out your nose!" I couldn't help but laugh even though I should have been embarassed but just remembering Alice that day was too hard not to laugh. Harry slid his arm around me bringing me closer and giving me a kiss on the cheek. A wdie grin was on his face as one crept on mine staring at his wonderful green eyes. "Aren't you two just the cutest." Alice smirked from the other side of the table. I rolled my eyes at her bringing my attention to the other boys girlfriends.

The one next to Louis had long brown hair, with big brown eyes, tan, a killer smile all of her features were perfect which made me feel a bit self conscious. Her skin tight dress showed off all her curves at the right places it was a short red dress that went with Lou's outfit. Lou combed his hair the new way he's been doing it lately to make himself look like a sex god. He wore his red pants with a white dress shirt and a short dress coat. Next I looked at Zayn's girlfriend and she too was pretty. She had dyed her hair light purple but it looked good on her. She had beautiful light blue eyes and her skin and perfect facial features made them stick out even more. She was wearing a short light blue dress that also matched Zayn. He a black suit with a light blue shirt and a nazy blue skinny tie. And last but not least Liam's girlfriend. With a gorgeous smile big brown eyes to match. Her hair was a bit harder to figure out, it looked black light brown and brown all at the same time. One thing I couldn't miss was the amazing curls which put my fake ones to shame, and she had a perfect tan that I could never get. She was wearing a burgendy dress that was short with a hole in the chest part to show off some clevlege. Liam was dressed to match as well.

"This is Eleanor." Louis said gestering to his girlfriend.

"This is Perrie." Zayn went next.

"And this is Danielle." Liam gave me a smile.

"Wow you guys can pick them. You are oh my god..." I shut my mouth from any further embarassment. They all just laugh and I feel my cheeks going red.

"Hey Harry can pick them too." Said Danielle with a wink. Eleanor grabbed my hand giving it a little squeeze. Perrie waved excititly. We all ordered. These girls were funny as shit, I saw why the boys fell in love with them. Harry stood handing me his hand.

"Are you ready?" He gave me a reassuring smile.

"Yes." I said giving him my hand. Everyone else followed us out. Harry gave me a long lingering kiss before he helped me in his car. "Where are we going?"

"A club." I looked out my window. I havwe never been to a club nor have I drank because of my dad. But I was with Harry I'm sure everything will be amazing right? What could go wrong? I gave a little laugh to myself... Before Harry pulled in the parking lot.

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