Chapter 8

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Harry's POV

Emily came to the beach with me that night in ripped shorts and a long sleeve shirt with an over hanging sweater. She was just perfect. I smiled at her when she was walking on the beach with Alice she noticed me and gave me a smile back. The wind was blowing her blonde hair in her face she looked like a beach hottie. The boys had already started the fire with their girlfriends sitting around them. I couldn't take my eyes off Emily as she up to me I grabbed her hip. "Hey." I smiled down at her.

"Hey." She said returning the smile.

"Why don't you two get a room!" I hear Louis call out. I look at him to glare but its no use because he can't see my face.

"Should we sit down?" Emily looks nervous she shakes her hand as we sit down. But as always she knows the boys to well. She jokes around with them laughing at the stupid things they say. I smile staring at her she doesn't even know. She might know I like her but sometimes it feels like she keeps me at arms length not telling me everything. It honestly drives me crazy but I don't push her to tell me because I don't want her pushing me farther away.

"So Harry how are you?"

"I'm good." I give her a cheeky grin the fire bouncing of her cool blue eyes as she smiles at me. I want to touch her hair and playfully move it out of her face but she does before I get the chance.

"Good. Danielle seems nice."

"She is." I was at a loss for words once in my life.

"So why are you guys having a beach party?"

"I don't know. Just a different way for all of us together I guess.'' Emily nodded. "Emily look are you knoay is there anything you're not telling me?" I could tell my question caught her off gaurd because she stared blankly at me for a minute.

"Why would you say that?"

"Just sometimes I feel like you don't give me the whole picture." She bit her lip letting out a sigh.

"I don't know it's just something I've always done." She gave me a weak smile it kind of broke my heart to see it on her face.

"Shall we go mingle?"

"Only if you are." I loved when she used her witt.

"This way my lady." I said standing helping her up giving her my arm.

"Why thank you kind sir." I regretted not making a move now more then ever.

"There are the two love birds." Louis calls out starting to get drunk. Emily just laughed and I couldn't help but laugh too.

Emily's POV

Harry's question had me worried for a bit. I thought he might have found out about my dad but that would be pretty hard considering he doesn't know anything about him. If Harry found out about the cutting I already knew what he would say. And after everything was all said and done he would be frustrated and leave. Not hat we were together but he was right this was a friendship I didn't want to loose.  "Hey Emily you're doing that look again." Alice gave me a nugde.

"What look?" I ask offended.

"That look you get when you're thinking too hard." I turn to her.

"Do not." I stuck my tongue out at her and laughed. She elbowed me then put her arm over my shoulders.

"So tell me something, what's going on between you and Harry?"

"What's going on with you and Niall?"

"C'mon I'm serious Emily I really want to know. This is why me and Niall introduced you two."

"Well if you must know." I put my arm around her waist. "I like him and we kissed once then he said I don't want to screw up being friends. So we pretend like the kiss never happened and I pretend I'm not sexually frustrated with him. It's weird I know."

"Niall says Harry's completely into you."

"He is I can tell but I love having Harry as a friend and that is what I want."

"Is that what you want or are you just saying that?" Alice eyed me and I just wanted to run away. Of course I liked Harry we got on well from the get go. But I just wasn't willing to lose him for my own benefit. We liked being friends and that's it.

"It's what I want. I can't see my life without Harry in it. I know we're just friends but that's all we're ever going to be." I sighed not believing it myself. Alice I could already tell wasn't going to believe it. She pushed her lips out removing her arm off my shoulders.

"Fine but I don't believe you."

"Don't." She gave me a peck on the cheek.

"You and Harry are meant to be Emily. If someone is supposed to be with someone I'm going to make that happen." She gave me another kiss then walked away. Uh-oh.

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