Chapter 25

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Emily's POV

Last night with Harry was amazing he couldn't be anymore perfect. He was everything anyone could want in a boyfriend. He has really been making my last month special, but that was a problem because now I didn't want to leave. I was thinking of only going for a year then applying for a local college here. But I can't yet, so for now I would have my last few special days.

"Are you ready to go?" Harry asked peeking his head around the door way. I looked up at him startled as he pulled me from my thoughts.

Today we were going to six flags and it was supposed to be warm. I picked out bleached short shorts, a white tank top with a pocket that said love on it. I choose sandals where they wouldn't fall off going on the rides. Checking myself in the mirror, it wasn't all that bad.

My scars were practically nonexistent. They looks like cat scratches really, but putting make up over them did help.

I put a hair brush, more make up, a towel, gum, and my wallet into one huge purse. Harry quickly looked back at me searching my eyes. "I hope you don't mind but I invited the other guys along." I gave him a huge grin.

"I was hoping you would." I winked at him. He sported a grin and we were off.


At Six Flags we meant up with Lou, Zayn, Liam, Niall, and their girlfriends. Harry smiled over at me intertwining our fingers together. Thus was crazy, I was actually at Six Flags with Harry. My life could not be any better then this right now, but just then I started to think of my mum.

I always wanted to be here with her. Ride Suprman, glide on Batman, Thunder Hawk. Crazy as it seems if I had to choose between coming here with Harry or my mum, I would of chose her in a heart beat. Its not that I don't love Harry because I do, maybe its just because I got to spend so little time with her. I was with Harry all the time and I was grateful for him, but sometimes I wished I had my mum to tell her all the amazing things that's happened to me.

Louis snapped his fingers in front of my face bringing me back. He was sporting a wife grin, while Harry had a look of concern. I half fake half real smile appeared on my face. Harry wasn't buying it but let it go anyway. We continued on talking about all the rides and how many times we were going to ride them, like little kids. All the while Harry stayed out of the conversation that had to do anything with roller coasters, but happily agreed to anything else.

Louis and I raced to the Superman ride. He won of course but at least I tried. There wasn't much of any lines, Louis and I were on the ride in no time. On Superman it felt like I was flying, there was really no better feeling then this.


At lunch time we went to a consession stand I ordered a burger, or Harry ordered for me being the gentlemen he is. All of us took a booth. I was really taking a fancy to the other boys and their girlfriends. They were all so energetic and loveable. Alice of course being my best friend since practically preschool got on with everyone she meant really. I admired her and her strength, even her passion she had for life. Her heart so full of hope and love, she would give it to anyone that would take it. I'm glad she has Niall, they're meant to be, they both have love to give and are willing to take anothers. I guess sometimes I was jealous of her in high school, making friends and getting boyfriends' came naturally to her. Alice though to be easily broken, I couldn't count all the times she has cried on my shoulder over anything.

Just then Harry shook my shoulder drawing my attention back to everyone. I couldn't help but laugh it bubbled in my chest, and sprang out, Harry sported a grin but in his eyes I could tell he was worried. The love I felt for him and he felt for me was so strong, sometimes unbearable. "Hey." I said once I stopped laughing.

"Are you ready to go?"

"Are you going to try at least one roller coaster?"


"Why not?" I looked at him with a pouty face and he just looked down at the table.

"I have a fear of roller coasters." I wanted to laugh but that would hurt his feelings. I patted his back trying my hardest not to laugh.

"Okay let's go on somethings you like."

"It's your day Em."

"And I want to spend my last week with you as much as possible." I gave him a grin and we were off. We went to the twister, it wasn't a roller coaster and Harry had picked it out.

I couldn't count how many times today I felt like throwing up, and how much I rode the twister. Lou rode all of the coasters with me. Harry and I went alone on the ferris wheel. It was quite magical.

We were stuck at the top for a bit, he snuck a few kisses and I let him steal them. If the stars would have been out it would of been perfect. And that just gave me an idea for tomorrow. Emily you are a genious.

When leaving the park Harry gave me a piggy back ride to the car. Niall started to complain how he never get a piggy back ride. Alice got a twisted smile just then. She picked him up on her back andgave him one. I laughed so hard, they were so cute!

On the car way home I fell Harry was going to carry him into our flat but I insisted I could walk. I put on some pajama's and climbed into bed. Harry came into bed with just white boxers on, reminding me of my idea for tomorrow. "Harry?"

"Hmmm?" His eyes were closed and his arm over his eyes.

"Can we spend all day at the beach tomorrow? Everyone again like today if they're not busy?"

"Yeah I'll call them in the morning honey."

"Okay." I laid down ready to go to bed then I propped myself on my elbows. "And Harry?"


"I love you." A grin came on his face.

"I love you too." I planted a gentle kiss on him before laying back down and snuggling up against him. Wrapping his arms around me, I wished things would always be like this. Always and forever. I love you Harry, I thought over and over in my head that night.

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