Chapter 14

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Harry POV

When they released me from the hospital the boys didn't ask me a thing, they must of heard Emily screaming. I was glad she agreed to stay with me, otherwise I already had another plan. I was going to stay up, watch her house 24/7 and, follow her everywhere she goes. Kidding. I'd probably just watch her house when she's there. Now I don't have to because she will be staying with me. The boys don't know yet but, they love Emily too. I wanted to tell Lou everything I found out about Emily or Liam and get their advice. I couldn't, not without revealing Emily's secret and breaking my promise to both, Mike and Emily. Plan and simple, it sucks.

Louis took me to get a car. When I called my mum and her husband they freaked of course. I assured them I was okay and after a while they let it go, well most of it was my mum. I bought a car making sure it was safe and well less breakable. I stopped at the store to pick up prescriptions meds for my broken nose. Then I went home, cleaned and got another bedroom ready I had boxes in. There was a bed just a lot of boxes, that really had no need to be there. I put them in my room till I could get to the storage unit. I heard a knock on the door, opening it to find Emily with a bag. "Just one?"

"There's more in the car and, I brought some small furniture."

"Let me show you to your room."

"You didn't give you your room did you?" I laughed as we walked down the hall.

"No I have a spare room, there was just boxes in there." We walked in the room and it was pretty bare. "We could paint it if you want."

"No I'm only here two weeks remember?" I looked at her and, she had her arms crossed. I sat her bags down with a sigh.

"Yeah I remember. Let's get the rest of your things."

"Your carrying the furniture." She smiled walking out in front of me. Little attitude, I smiled to myself. I carried up two end tables a dresser some lamps and she helped me with the desk.

"So not all the furniture."

"You had the hardest part the back."

"Well I do like being behind you." She was fighting back a smile.

"Next time remind me let go when you're carrying something heavy." Her smile was devilish and I couldn't help but laugh. She looked round the room and opened a box, pulling out a picture frame, placing it on her beside table. I studied the girl in the picture, she looked like Emily. Blond hair, blue eyes, tanner and beautiful.

"Is that your mum?" She looked at the picture frame and nodded.

"Yeah I was five then, my dad was a teacher and she was a stay at home mum." Emily felt her wrist and I watched her.

"Did you bring anything?" She followed my eyes and took her hand away from her wrist.

"That none of your business."

"Its my house."

"My body. If you want to tell me what to do I'll go back to my dad's." She crossed her arms proving her point. I back up into the doorway, trying not to cross the limits with her. Again.

"Okay so what sounds good for dinner?"

"Whatever doesn't matter to me." She went back to unpacking and I left looking around in the fridge. Nothing good to eat, I'd blame Niall if he lived here. I walked back her room she was putting clothes in her dresser.

"Well I'm going out to get some food and bring it back, anything sound good?" Emily looked at me, putting a finger on her lips, tapping it.

"Well I guess we could have Chinese." This was a statement not a question in the least.

"Alright be back in a jiffy."

"You talk funny."

"You're beautiful."

"Go away." I gave her a smile as she was again, fighting one.

"Only for a little bit. And you shouldn't hide your smile."

"I do what I want." She stuck her tongue out at me. I gasped putting my hand to my chest, like a girl, acting as if I was offended. I gave her a cheeky grin.

"Be back soon mate." Then I left heading to my car. When Alice called me. "Hello?"

"Hey Harry. So did you find anything out? And how is your nose?"

"No Mike didn't know either. My nose is fine but, Emily is living with me for two weeks."


"She had a fight with her dad, plus she has to look after me." Alice laughed.

"Yeah don't want you breaking your neck."


"Well thanks Harry. Take care of my girl."

"Always Alice." She hung up and I drove off. "Emily..." I said looking in my review mirror at her bedroom window. "I love you completely."

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