Chapter 29

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Emily's POV

We were all heading back to Lou's flat when Harry got a call. "Hello?" He bit his lip and gave me sideways glance. "Yep....will do....Okay....sounds amazing....See you in a bit." He hung up and didn't say a word.

"Who was that?" I asked and Harry again just looked at me for a moment. "Come on Harry who was that?" 

"Just Louis." He said shaking his head giving a shrug. 

"What did he want?" I asked raising my eyebrow. He laughed a bit.

"That's creepy how well you do that."

"What did he say?" 

"Nothing we just have to stop by the flat real quick." 

"Fine since you won't tell me." I said crossing my arms. I had a sour look on my face, I didn't like secrets or surprises. I liked knowing things so I could be prepared. 

"Fine." He said with a laugh. I stuck my tongue at him as I have done many times before. He was crazy, weird, goofy, cheeky but yet still so many other things. Funny, loving, caring, kind, a gentle soul. Harry is one puzzel peice that doesn't quite fit like the others, that's for sure. 

We pulled up to our flat. Harry jumped out of the car and opened my car door for me. We ran in and I just wanted to know what this was all about! 


"Get changed." He ordered. I did regardless of my pouting and groaning. I went with white jean shorts, with a strapless white tank top and a grey tank top that was low cut. I puffed at myself and walked out to meet Harry in the living room. He was still dressed in the same clothes. 

"Why didn't you get changed?" 

"No time for talking let's go." He grabbed my wrist pulling me back to the car. We hopped in and I assume we were now heading to Louis's. 


After the agonizing car ride we finally made it to Lou's. I sprinted our of the car and up the steps. I knocked still wanting to be polite. "Hey Em!" He moved to let me in. That's when I got a clear look at everything. 

They had put up a banner that said 'Goodbye Emily!' and they had to put a sad face after it. They had decorated the room with basically everything. I gave Louis a giant hug. 

"You didn't have to do this." I said into his ear. 

"Harry's losing his girl for awhile and we're losing our best friend, what else could I do." I felt a smile on his lips. Louis was being serious and it made me want to cry. "Let's get this party started!" He yelled pumping a fist in the air. Someone had turned on music, Ed Sheeran. I love these people. Eleanor and Danielle had cooked with Niall tasting everything. I laughed as we sat down to eat. I sat in between Harry and Louis. Everyone was laughing and joking. I really felt like we were all family. After dinner we toned it down some, still we danced be goofs. Niall did the couch wiggle worm. I laughed and laughed this couldn't be a better goodbye party. 

My phone started to buzz. "I'll take this outside." I told Harry in his ear. I stepped outside answering my phone. "Hello?"

"Yes, Emily Graver?" 


"This is the hospital where your father was staying. We didn't want to tell you this over the phone but your father has passed." 

He's gone? Tears started to swell in my eyes. No, no they're lying. My heart started to pump faster and faster with each beat. They had to be joking. I fell to the ground curling in a ball crying. I closed my phone and threw it. The door behind me open and someone grabbed me pulling me in their arms. I cried into Harry's shoulder for a moment before getting the urge. 

The urge that has possed me so many times before. I sprinted to Lou's bathroom and locked the door. I looked for anything. I found what I assumed to be one of Louis's razor. I sliced my skin till I felt nothing anymore. I looked at my arm. There was 15 cuts on one arm the most I have ever done to myself at a time. Just then I heard the click of the door being unlocked and before I could stop it Louis was already staring me done. 


"I already know Em." He knew that I was a cutter? But I never told him. My eyes narrowed looking at Harry behind him. 

"Trader! I trusted you!" I shouted at him pushing him into the wall. I walked pass everyone and got in Harry's car. I took his key's out from in between the seats and took off. I went up stairs and packed everything. I put it in my car and wrote Harry a last note before driving off. 

I didn't tell him where I was, that would hurt to much to see him one last time. I didn't tell him how I was, because he had betrayed me. 

But what I did tell him was I love him and always will. Sorry it has to be this way but it's the easy way out. 

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