Chapter 22

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Emily's POV

I woke up in the hospital and Harry was right across from me. He was laying on his side so he faces me. His long eye lashes lay on his cheeks ever so softly, it makes me want to run my hand down his cheek. A shooting pain goes through my arm when I move it, looking down I notice its in a cast. Memories come flooding back of last night. Tears spill over rolling down my cheeks. Harry is in here because of me. I no longer want to look at him, I landed Harry in the hospital. I turn over in my bed just as I hear Harry stir.



"Are you okay?" His rough voice is soft and full of meaning. It makes my cry a little harder. He's being so nice when I put us in the hospital.

"I'm fine." Then I hear the suffling of feet and Harry is sitting on my bed.

"You don't sound fine. What is wrong?" I turn and face him his hazel eyes searching my blue ones. He touches his hand to my cheek storking it. Just the simple touch make my body jump and I feel a tingling everywhere. 

"I landed you in the hospital. I'm sorry Harry I just don't know what came over me."

"You miss your father."

"I miss the old him,the one he is not or will never be again." I shut my eyes trying not to cry harder. I feel like shit.

"Emily this is perfectly normal. He is still your father no matter what. And I'm sorry I left you alone to drink with the girls. I forget how much they party sometimes." He scracthes the back of his head.

"Still but let me ask you this. Why didn't you stop me."

Harry's POV

"Still but let me ask you this. Why didn't you stop me?" 

Now it was time for the truth. I still haven't made up my mind wether I should tell her or not about Louis finding out. I didn't want herto be mad at me, I finally had her trust I wasn't going to screw it up. I pondered these thoughts before she nugded me wanting her answer. I sighed.

"I tried. I called Louis and told him to follow us that you were driving and wouldn't listen to a word I had to say. Like you do sober anyway we were approaching a red light. I told you to slow down, and you wanted to go faster. I grabbed the steering wheel and you yanked it the other way we went off the road and hit a tree.I had some minor scrathes and bruises, but you ended up with a broken arm. If I hadn't tried grabbing the wheel we would have been fine." I shrugged my shoulders.

"So its both our faults?"


"Okay." She still had that guilty look on her face. She didn't believe it was both our faults. I knewshe blammed herself but I didn't.

"Next time I'm not letting you out ofmy sight."

"What about the car. Who's car was it?"



"Pretty bad, I have to buy a new one again."

"Harry I'm so sorry! How did I get the keys?"

"From me." Her face twisted in confusion.

"You gave a drunk person you keys?"

"I didn't think you could even remember where the keys went." She laughed and kepy laughing. A laugh started to bubble in my chest the way a coke bubbles in a can. We were sitting there laughing uncontrolable when I felt and urge. I bent down kissing her soft pink lips, the same way I had the night we made love. Electicity went sizzling through me, shocking every nerve. She didn't pull away, with her good hand she ran it through my hair. This made me want her. I lifted her up one hand in the small of her back, the other behind her neck. We only pulled a part when we heard someone clearing their throat. It was a doctor.

Emily's cheeks turned scralet red and she looked in her lap hiding her smile.

"Well Harry and Emily you are free to go your ride is here." They unhooked Emily gave her a presciption for her arm and we were on our way. Louis was parked outside waiting for us. I rushed Emily to the car and we sat in the back seat holding hands. I didn't dare look at Louis, we had a fight and simply I still couldn't stand him at the moment.

Him knowing Emily's secrect could destroy everything within two seconds. I had finally gotten Emily I wasn't going to let him take it all away. He had Eleanor, I fianlly had someone I loved and I certainly was not going to lose her.

Tonight I wanted to make it up to her. Idea's of a date have been brewing in my head and I certainly could wait. I wanted to make it special, comfortable, and homey. That is just what I was going to do one way or another. I mean Emily and I could only go one direction right?


A/N: Well every one I hope so dearly you are all enjoying this story! I'm having conflicting thoughts on if Harry should tell her that Louis know. Comment yes or no for that in the comments. But I'm not sure if this story has many more chapter to go.... We shall see! This is my first Fan Fiction so when it does end I shall be very sad indeed!

But thanks you all for reading and the votes this all means so much to me. I love to write and this is a great experince for me. I'll probably syill beon here writting of One Direction in my thirties! And maybe even longer....

&Please everyone vote and comment.

&&Your support means so much to me!!!! I love all of you beautiful people!!!!!

Much love


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