Chapter 15

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Emily's POV

Harry left finally, about time I was going to rip his balls off if he wasn't going to get me some food soon. I went to his fridge and he had tea, coke, apple juice and wine. I grabbed the tea jug found a glass and poured myself some. Leaning against the counter I noticed that the bottle of wine and, our two glasses were still sitting in the middle of the table. The tea glass was resting on my bottom lips as that night ran through my head over and over.

I walked back to my room sitting on my bed, staring at the picture of my mum. Setting the glass down I picked it up. I traced my fingers over her blonde hair, as she starred back into camera smiling brightly at my dad. I looked at the girl in her arms. She looked as if she was two, lose blonde curls bright blue eyes, looking at everything but the camera. I pulled the frame into my chest as I started to cry. I didn't want to feel this pain I hated feeling this pain. I took out a blade from my dresser rolling up my shirt, the cold felt good against my skin. One, two, three.

I took the blade off my skin and went to the bathroom. I looked for gaze and sat it on the sink. Turning on the faucet I rinsed my arm off, finding pads I put those on, wrapping the gaze around it. Back in my room I went through my clothes pulling out a tee shirt. I laid on my bed just as Harry came in. "Honey I'm home!" I laughed at his stupid joke.

"Honey's sweet and your not!" I called out. He came to my room empty handed, leaning against the door with that cheeky grin.

"Well that's no way to treat someone who brought you food."

"I'm not Niall, now move out of my way I'm hungry." He turned to the side letting me pass.

"Why is your wrist bandaged?" I turned facing him, seeing concern on his beautiful face. It hurt me to see it but there was nothing I could do. Someone like me could never be with someone like that. It was impossible.

"Don't worry about it. I was drinking tea and I dropped the glass, then picking it back up I cut myself on accident."

"Your not lying?"

"No." There was something in his face that said he didn't believe me. I shrugged my shoulders continuing to the kitchen. Popping open a box a took a piece of chicken and, put it in my mouth starting to hum. I did a twirl grabbing a plate out of the cupboard and twirling back to the table.

"What are you doing?" Harry asked. I yelped not realizing he was there.

"I'm getting food." I said raising an eyebrow. "What are you doing?" He laughed giving a cheeky grin.

"Getting food as you are." I laughed at him. I started to hum again moving in my seat. "Imaging you're twirling?" He asked looking at me from across the table, the fork about to enter his mouth.

"No comment because I like you."

"Really I thought you hated me?"

"Only to an extent."

"When's that?" Harry said taking a bite.

"Now and every other time you ask me a billion in one questions." I winked at him and he gave another cheeky grin. At times when he thought I wasn't looking he would watch my wrist. I wanted to hide it under the table but then it would prove I lied to him. I can't have him be right, it's just not fair.

I could only admitt to myself a little bit that I shouldn't do this. I shouldn't cut and I needed only a wee bit of help. Otherwise I was fine outside of dad's house. Sitting here with Harry I realized how much I didn't miss any of it at all. The beatings, name calling, swearing, drinking and most of all him. I thought by now I would have this pinge of guilt but, I felt releaved. It amazed me how life could be a bit more normal then I thought. I now knew why Harry was happy to be on his own. 

"I'm sorry I just care a little."

"A little? Only a little is what I get?"

"For now yes." I smiled over at him over my glass of tea. Then he flung a vegitable at me.

"Hitting me with food on my first night! How could you?"

"Easy because its your second night!" He looked up slamming his hands on the table and he tried his best to keep a straight face, before he burst out laughing. I picked up a veggie and threw it Harry, I ended up hitting him straight in the forehead. I stuck my tongue out at him. "Oh now you've done it."

"Run?" I said pointing the other way, he nodded slowly. I started down he hallway to my bedroom but, Harry was a faster runner then me. He tackled me to the ground and we rolled on the floor of bedroom. I started to laugh, as did he. I was looking up at the ceiling as my laugh started to fade. I could hear Harry's laugh start to die too. "Maybe we should add hanging stars up there."

"Why?" I looked at Harry, he was on his side his arm propping his head up. I looked back to the ceiling, his green eyes filling my head.

"My mum said when she was passing that I would always be able to see her. I asked her how. She told me to look to the stars and she'd be the brightest one, when I looked up. She told me that she would be my star and I would be the gravity down here on earth, holding up her world. Every night afer she passed, I would sit at my window looking up. I told the brightest star that I love you mummy and, me being a kid I thought I seen it twinkle." I looked over at him, he was starring.

"That's beautiful."

"You're starring."

"You're beautiful." I laughed just a bit.

"I'm tired so I'm going to bed." We both got up and Harry stood in the door way.

"What time do you work tomorrow?"

"From 2 till 6. Why?"

"No reason. Don't get anything to eat on your way home."

"Yes sir." He turned and left shutting my door. I got dressed in pj's and slipped under the covers. Right as my head hit the pillow I was out.

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