Chapter 31

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Emily's POV

I arrived at Alice's house ten minutes before seven. I didn't want to just walk in even though I could, so I knocked. "Coming!" I heard Niall yell from the otherside. He opened the door with that adorable penguin smile. "Emily!!!" he exclaimed pulling me into a bear hug. I heard three other familiar voices shout my name. Next thing I knew I was being crushed in a group hug with Niall, Louis, Zayn and Liam. 

It worried me that I hadn't seen Harry. Maybe he wasn't going to show. I walked in and I saw the girlfriend's, Danielle, Perrie, Eleanor. They all looked amazing in PJ's with their hair tied up, for them the saying 'less is more' worked for them. I chatted with the girls for a bit when I heard it. 

Harry's booming gravely voice. The girls walked to him leaving me standing there starring at the wall. I took a few deep breaths before turning around. My jaw dropped instantly. He was with some girl. He had his arm around her waist. She was gorgeous no doubt about that. She had curly brown hair, eyes almost the exact same as Harry's, a nice skin tone, high cheek bones, thin but still plump lips. 

My heart dropped and my stomach did flips. Harry had moved on leaving me alone. Alice walked up to me with a wide smile. "He's here." She nudged me with her elbow. I could feel the tears swelling in my eyes, about to pour out. 

"I can't do this after all." I touched her shoulder bitting my bottom lip. I pushed past the people blocking the doorway. I heard him calling my name but I couldn't stop now. Tears blurred my vision. 

Once outside the stinging cold air hit me like buliets. Harry had found someone new, I should have too. I didn't knowing I was coming back here, when I should have. I sat on the curb putting my head in between my legs. I cried my heart out trying to stop. I could barely breath my heart was pumping so fast. 

I could be with Harry now if it wouldn't have been for my stupidity. I was getting cold but I couldn't go inside. I felt someone sit next to me, expecting it was Alice I turned to look at them. Much to my surprise it was Harry. 

"Harry? What are you doing out here?"

"Came to see why you ran out. You didn't even say hi." Looking at him up close he hadn't even looked as if he aged. His eyes were a duller hazel then what I used to see. His hair was still incrediably curly. Harry was handsome as ever. 

"Nothing I'm fine."

"Yes because people run crying then sit on a curb crying in the col because they're fine." 

"Why should you be worried? You have the other girl to worry about. Isn't she getting jelaous your even out here?" 

"Gemma?" Great even her name was pretty. 

"Yeah I guess so."

"Gemma's my sister. I didn't want to face you alone tonight. She came with me for support, it still stings to think of you." His sister! That girl was his sister?! I feel completely dumb. Great I'm sure that's a turn off.

It stung? Maybe...he thinks of me? 

"Your sister? You still think of me?" I meant to say these in my head but they slipped. My cheeks blushed embarrsed. 

"Yeah. I think of you all the time still." He took my hand in his bringing my full attention to him. "Emily I still love you with all my heart. If you don't I get it, but please come watch a movie with me one last time." 

"Harry I wouldn't be out here in the cold crying on the curb thinking you were dating your sister if I didn't love you. I wished things hadn't ended the way they had. At the time I thought it was for the best. Now I know I was totally wrong."

"Maybe they don't have to end." 


"Emily I'm serious. They don't have to end."

"We can't start from where we left off." 

"Why not?" 

"Because that includes me leaving."

"Well you were half way there." He smiled. I couldn't help but to laugh.

"So I come back then?" He stood up holding out his hand for me. 

"You come back sit and cuddle with me through out the movie." I smiled at him and took his hand standing up. "There's one more thing." He put his hand on the small of my back his other hand placed behind my neck. He kissed me with that fiery passion I loved it so much. "Well maybe two." He said when he finally pulled away. 

He took a little case out of his pocket and dropped to one knee. My heart started pumping faster I felt like I could fall over at any moment. 

"Emily Graver, will you marry me?" 

"Yes Harry of course!" He put the goreous ring on my finger. And kissed me again and again. 

This was the beginning of my forever with Harry. Forever and Always. WIth each kiss I felt passion, with each touch I felt safe, with each look into my eyes I felt love. Harry was my forever. A forever that you only find once in your life, when you do you don't play games. You love that other person as much as you can even if your affraid. You give them all that you have and trust them to protect your heart. They heal the wounds that were made by others, they out the bandaid's on. They are truthful But most of all they love you and everything you have to offer. That's what I found in Harry. I offered him my love and he took it with a full swing. 

My forever was Harry. Who's yours? 


A/N; Well I hoped you like the chapter. I am sorry to say but this is the ending. I had so much fun writing it you can't believe. It's crazy!!! Thank you all so much for reading! 

If you think I should make a seaqual tell me! 

But this is a farewell to this story. 

Please put any last comment's, votes, etc. 

Thank you all so much for making this so much fun to write. 

I love you,

Much Love,


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