Chapter 5

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Harry's POV

I was staring into Emily's wild blue eyes her small hands in mine. She was delicate looking but didn't show it. Emily smiled although I wished she wanted to be more then this. At the diner we sat in silence for a moment before she pulled away. "So Harry what are you going to order?" A smile spread across my face.

"Well probably tacos." She laughed knowing I was joking.

"Too bad this isn't a mexican resturant. I'll just have a bacon cheeseburger."

"Are those any good?" She gave me a teasing smile.

"I guess you'll have to see for yourself." An even more devilish smile appeared across her face. I felt like I was staring. I looked away the lights catching her blonde hair. She smelled of strwberries everytime I was around her. Emily's hair always looked soft and feel in curls. She never pinned it up around me at least.

"I will." We went through the meal laughing and cheering. I found out some of her hobbies. She danced for herself when she was little. She loved writing music and stories she claims to never be published. She plays the guitar and piano she did drama for a few years. The whole time her smile never faded. We avoided conversations about her parents and her life at home in general.Emily wanted to meet my parents she said they sound lovely. When i had told her my mum grounded me for saying pussy not too long ago she was hysterical. Everyone in the resturant turned to look at her when she noticed they were staring she giggled. "Well Emily the boys and I are having a movie night tonight why don't you come?" That's when the smile faded. She looked around the reaturant looking as it she wanted to be anywhere but here. "Look Alice is coming and you don't have to spend the night." I offered her a smile.

"Well I would have to ask my dad." She bit her lip. "Okay I'll be there." Her smile was back on her face and I couldn't help but feel at ease.

"If your dad says yes." For a minute the smile faded but reappearing just as quickly as it had gone. We left the diner and i drove her home. I wanted to kiss her and I almost did if she wasn't quick. Before I could turn the car off she climbed out of car.

"I'll see you tonight. I'll call you if I can go." She was just about to shut the door.

"I could pick you up?" She thought about it for a minute Then smiled.

"That would be nice but I might have to be back home."

"I could drop you off." Emily's smile grew. Her gorgeous sea blue eyes sparkled in the afternoon sunlight.

"Alright. Bye Harry."

"Bye Emily." She shut the door running up the stairs and quietly slipping inside. I drove away thinking about her eyes.

Emily's POV

I headed straight for the stairs once in my room I flung myself on my bed. Harry had the cutest dimples. They got me everytime he smiled. And being with him was the best I was going to have to see him tonight. One way or Another. I climbed down the stairs my dad was sober still mean but sober. "Dad?"

"What?" He never took his eyes off the screen.

"Can I spend the night at Alice's tonight after work?" He grumbled a bit before lying down.

"I won't be home anyway do what you want." Excited i went up stairs to call Harry.



"I can go. I can spend the night even so you don't have to be up all night with me." I could hear the smile streching across his face over the phone.

"Amazing. Let's say eight o'clock? Sound good to you?" Anything with you sounded good.

"Yeah that's great." 

"Bye Emily."

"Bye Harry." It hurt a bit to say bye but i hung up the phone anyway. it was two thirty just enough time. I climbed in the shower once out I was looking for clothes to wear. I decided on a teal ruffled shirt, and green shorts that matched. Putting on flipflops then taking them off I realized I still had awhile to go. I looked for my small duffle bag trying to figure out what pajama's I want to bring. I wanted something comfy but cute. I settled on white fluffy shorts with hearts and a batman t-shirt. I picked up my leather jacket and laid it out. Good now I was ready...

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