Chapter 13

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Emily's POV

I rushed out of work right as Louis called me. I felt bad for yelling at him this morning when he was just being curious. I hate when people look at me weird when they see a bruise and I didn't have make up to cover it, or if its in a place I can't cover. Harry loved me I know that and I love him but I couldn't have him look at me and think I'm disgusting for staying home with my dad, or cutting. 

In my car I started it and went to meet Harry and the boys in the hospital. Harry should of been paying attention. Louis said he didn't know how it happened yet because Harry wasn't awake. I clenched the steering wheel trying not to get in an accident myself. All I could think of was Harry laying in that hospital bed. And who knows how bad he is hurt, it kills me just to think about it.

I pulled into the hospitals parking lot, quickly getting out of my car and meeting to boys in the lobby. They were sitting around and it made me panic, the look on their faces. Liam had concern on his face, Louis and Niall had pain, Zayn was worried. I wanted to start crying, I whipped at my face realizing that tears were falling from my face. All of the boys looked at me in that instant and got up. "Is he okay?" I asked my voice shaky. Liam rubbed my back and Louis spoke.

"They say he's fine he was just knocked out and, he's a bit beat up."

"Does anyone know where he was going?" They looked at me with blank eyes.

"We know nothing yet Emily." I whipped my eyes, stood straighter and sniffled.

"I want to see him." I demanded.

"Okay." Louis said taking me to his room. I walked in the room, seeing Harry and instantly started crying. Louis sat me down in a chair and I put my head down on Harry's bed. He had a cut going through his eyebrow, his lip was busted, his nose was patched up, as if he broke it, and the right side of his face was swelling and bruising. I kept crying and crying. I love Harry seeing him like this hurts. I lifted my head to notice Harry was staring at me.

"Are you okay?" He asked grabbing my hand.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" I sniffled.

"I look that bad?" Harry laughed and Louis left without a word when Harry gave him a look.

"Where were you heading Harry?" I asked looking at him hard.

"To your house, you didn't answer your phone and I got worried."

"Where were you before that?" He looked down, his lips going into a thin line. "Where were you Harry?" There was an edge to my tone.

"I was coming from...from Mikes."

"Mike..." I thought about that and it clicked. "Mike who?"

"Your friend from work."

"Harry why were you there?" He looked away and, I got frustrated and mad. "Danmit Harry! Tell me why you were at Mikes!"

"I went there to ask him about your cuts and bruise! I care about you and I knew you weren't going to tell me so I had to find out myself!"

"What did he tell you Harry."

"About your dad, the drinking, the abuse and. why you cut." I sat down falling into my seat. I noticed his hand was still on mine. I withdrew it and, he looked as if he was hurt. I was hurt, I knew he wanted answers but he should of gave me time. "You should of told me, I could of and can keep you safe."

"You shouldn't of pried. I'm fine where I am. Harry I..." I looked for the right words to say. "I think...."

"Come and live with me for two weeks then if you hate it you can go back and, live with your dad." He had a pleading look on his face. I looked back and forth between him and the window. I wanted to but I didn't. I bit the insides of my cheeks, I stared at him long and hard.

"Fine I will, but no funny business."

"I like funny business." He gave me a smile, as I tried to fight back one. I couldn't help it but then I got rid of it quickly.

"Only you can try a joke, that's not even funny, at a time like this." He smiled and closed his eyes falling asleep. I went to my car and went home, to pack my bags. Harry had won this fight but, we weren't done talking about the situation. I loved Harry and he loved me. But some things were not meant to be, clearly. I could live with and I will, I've done it my whole life a few more years couldn't hurt.

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