Chapter 7

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Emily POV

I woke up the next morning to Harry staring at me. His big beautiful green eyes tired but with something else there I couldn't quiet place my finger on. "Hey."

"Hey." I wasn't really a morning person but I couldn't help it, it was Harry. I put my arm under my head getting a better look at Harry. I loved Harry's raspy voice in the morning. A smile spread aross my lips as the sun coming from the windows hits his face I smiled even wider.

"Nothing I just the way your voice sounds in the mornin." Okay I did love it but like we agreed to just be firends. "Well I should probably get home soon."

"Why? Can't you stay a little bit longer." He gave me a killer smile with those adorable dimples. I laughed laying my head back on the pillow as he propped an arm under his head to look down at me. "Is that a yes?"

"Yes." Why do I insist on getting myself into these situations? I knew my dad would be waiting for me when I got home bu this time with Harry was all that matter. He took his hand brushing it on my cheek I flinched not realizing I did it.

"Are you okay?" I looked down real quick then looking back up I smiled.

"Yeah I'm fine must of been from when I fell the other day." I could feel my smile was weak.

"Why didn't you tell me about you falling?"

"I guess I just forgot." I said looking down chewing on my bottom lip. "Harry do you believe me when I say I'm okay?" He laid on his back looking up at the ceiling rubbing his with his hand. For a minute he thought about it. Harry has one of those concentration faces when he thinks about something hard for a bit. His brows crinkles his mouth forming into a hard straight line. Finally he turned looking me straight in the eye.

"Not all the time. Sometimes you seem really sad and I feel like I'm not good enough for you to tell. I know we're only friends but still I feel close and I want you to tell me everything." Everthing. Everything I can't tell him I want too but just not yet. Not all of it. "I just don't want  

you hurting with you not telling me. I just care and so do the other boys and Alice. You know that. I just want you to be completely honest with me." I turned over in the bed facing away from Harry I wanted to tell him everything just I couldn't and I didn't know how. I didn't think he would judge but I know the furious look people get when I tell them I cut or my dad is abusive.

They start asking why dont you leave, why do you do it, does it really help. I just can't go through that with Harry. Maybe if we were more than this, friends it would be easier to tell him. Mikes a friend but he's also gay so there was never a chance of him liking me like that. Plus he meant my dad before when he came in drunk after hours. I remember the day well.

My dad came bursting in the doors to my work. I was cleaning the front while Mike was in the back he grabbed my hair throwing me to the floor. I scrambled away standing my self up. "Look here you piece of shit!" His words stung like ice. "You caused it all you killed your mother you little slut." His words slurred as he staggered over.

"Dad..." That's when Mike came out.

"Sir I think you should leave." He turned his furious anger towards Mike making Mike take two steps back.

"She's my god damn daughter!" Mike looked at me in surprise his mouth opening a bit before he quickly shut it. I backed myself completely against the wall.

"I'll call the cops." My dad looked as if he was going to hit Mike maybe even kill. But he didn't. Instead he turned around walking away slamming the door on his way out. Then I collasped Mike helping me fall a bit morre gentlely to the floor. I cried and once I stooped I only told him my dad verbally abuses me and the cutting. I told him about my mum dying and how my dad lost it.

Mike is like a big brother to me. And I love him with all my heart but Harry is just a different kind of love. I don't know what it is about him but something gets to me. It siezes me at every angel no matter what he does.

Harry POV

 "Emily," I called her name forcing her to look at me. "Are you alright love?" She chewed on her bottom lip as she always did whenever she was neverous. Being this close I now realized the freckles playing across her nose.

"I'm fine." Her big beautiful blue eyes turned to me. A kindness in them I couldn't explain. I knew she liked me but I didn't want to risk losing her as a friend. I remeber when the boys and I talked about it.

Louis, Zayn, Niall, Liam and I were all sitting around in my living room. Louis being his curious self brings up Emily. "What about her ?" I ask. I was a bit defensive knowing how Louis can be.

"Chill mate I was simply asking a fair question that all of us want to know." He brought his hands in front of me like I was about to tell a story to a kid. My thoughts wondered to Emily and the kiss I wish for anything more it could have been more. I looked at the patterened carpet tring to concentrate on it.

"There's nothing to tell. We're just friends."

"Oh come on! She's completely into you as you are to her."

"That might be so but we kissed and she said nothing so I spoke for her. I told her we should just be firends forget the kiss ever happened so we did."  Zayn leaned into me staring at me intentally.

"Did you forget?" I don't know why but this question hurt. O f course I didn't forget how could I just forget? "Go after her Harry what are you doing?"

"I'm not losing Emily as a friend." This the playing games isn't usually how I do things but with Emily everything was different. Generally I cared for her and I didn't want anything happening to her. I remembered her lips the light pinkness of them the cherry taste and how soft they were.

"You have it bad mate." I looked to Liam shaking his head...

Snapping back to the present I looked at Emily. "Come with us tonight to the beach for the bonfire we're having." She smiled.

"I just have to go home and get a few things." She smiled. I had her not as mine but as everything...

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