Chapter 4

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The next day I woke up roughly pain thru my whole body. I was sore from the day before and work. I shot up realising Harry had just kissed me last night. And I walked away with out a word not even saying like you too Harry. I hit the bed in frustration at myself tears starting to form and i quickly whipped them away. Your screwed up Emily he could never love you I told myself hearing my father's words. I slumped myself to the shower then making breakfast quietly. I had a few text messages from Harry. 'Hey Emily Alice gave me your number. But i was wondering if I could see you today or tomorrow and talke about last night?'

He wanted to talk about last night? This could be good or bad. In my head i started to freak out. 'When and where?'

'Today @ 12 I'll pick you up.'  That gave me and hour. I straightened my hair put on make up although you really couldn't see any bruises. And I dressed in black jeggings with a cute white top and threw on a red and white stripped  sweat shirt. I grabbed my purse going to wait for Harry.

"Where and the hell are you going?" I looked towards my father sitting in the recliner.

"Out. I'm meeting Alice for lunch."

"Look you little shit..." Then there was a knock he quitted down my hand on the door i flung it open rushing outside. I grabbed Harry hand pulling him away from the house closer to his....very nice new looking car.

"This is yours?" I asked sounding surprised. He looked at me and smiled.

"Yeah my parents bought it for me. One of the things they could actually do together after they slipt up." He gave me a weak smile as I returned it giving it a little more strength then his. "So why didn't I meet your dad? He's home right?" My plams started to sweat hoping my dad wouldn't come out.

"He's sleeping he works late shifts. Why?"

"I thought I heard him." I shook my head.

"That was the teley."  I said waving a hand at it. He shrugged opening my door for me. I climbed in and thr air conditioning felt good considering my sweater. He climbed in the car and we drove off. He was fumbling with the music till he settled on a station. The silence didn't feel awkward it felt shared and comforting. Harry started singing along with the song his voice was deep and raspy. He didn't sound bad at all at least not to me. His hand was resting on his lap and I wanted to grab it holding his hand as I would feel his fingers tighten around my hand. I quickly looked out the window as i saw him glancing at me watching his hand. They looked strong and just in a way perfect. In my head I sumbled over topics of conversation. I  suck.

"So Emily what's your favourite animal?" I smacked myself a five year old could have came up with that question yet I couldn't.

"Oh um I don't never really thought about it. I guess..." I chewed over my answer. "It's...a cat. I had one when i was a little girl I named her Dinah. From Alice in Wonderland the book by Lewis Carrol. My mother would read some to me when i was little every night before i went to bed. She gave me the book when she knew she was dying."

"If you don't mind me asking," he cleared his throat. "How did your mum die?" I took a deep breath before telling the story.

"Well my mother had cancer already in stage 4 by the time they caught it. Reaaly they couldn't do much for her. So she died slowly and painfully."

"I'm sorry."

"I'm not it  just means she's not in pain anymore." He looked at me for a minute before returning his eyes to the road. I looked back out the window thinking about nothing.

"So where's the cat?" I laughed at his strange question. "What?" He said smiling turning onto a different street.

"Nothing it's just a weird question. She died when i was little still before my mother passed." I smiled at him.

"What about you do you have a cat?" He smiled pulling to a stop at a resturant.

"Yep at my mum's his name is Dusty." Harry gave me his gorgeous crooked smile. Quickly he hopped out of the car opening my door and bowing I curtsied for him.

"Thank you kind sir," I said taking his hand.

"Anytime my lady." I couldn't help but to start laughing as we walked into the resturant. "So here we are." The waiter came and escorted us to our booth Harry taking one side me on the other. We ordered drinks then he went away. I looked towards Harry's hands as he fumbled with them I was just going to wait till he said something first. "Well last night was..." He bit his lip. "Unquie. Different and if I made you uncomfortable I'm sorry I honestly don't know what came over me." He thinks he made me uncomfortable? The only uncomfortable thing right now was sitting over here kee hands off him.

"It's alright I wasn't uncomfortable." I was stupid for just saying 'I have to go'. Brillient. I gave him a smile as he reached for my hand. I used all my strength not to pull away this was easier said then done but my hand only twitched a bit.

"Emily I really want us to be friends and I don't want that kiss screwing it up." I looked at him with concern. Friends. It was better ten nothing. Harry was someone I felt comfortable with he was easy to talk to. I felt safe and protected in some weird way that I know wasn't really possible.  When I looked into his green eyes he had me even if it was friends is all we'll ever be. I'll have that anyday then nothing.

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