Chapter 3

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The figure was my dad. He was at the bottom of the steps I could tell he was hung over. My heart started to race and breathalyzer grew shaky. I couldn't run up the stairs he was blocked them.

"Where the hell were you?" I looked around looking for an excuse anything.

"I had to work a morning shift at my job. Sorry." I stumbled over the words.

"I didn't see you leave."

"Sorry I was quite about it." He stood a slap across the face.

"Tell me when you work next time girl."

"Tonight." I breathed. He walked away and I slowly picked myself off the floor stumbling up the stairs. I threw myself on my bed laying there not actually wanting to go to work. Sometimes pizza just wasn't good to be around. I laid there dazed and decided to take a nap.

I woke up took a shower put on make up then my work clothes and left. At work Mike came up to me

"Hey Mike." He walked up to me slowly putting his arm around me. "Hows John?" That put a smile on his face. John was Mikes boyfriend. Mike had light brown hair kind brown eyes and he was tan and skinny. His boyfriend was very lucky.

"He's great we went to a movie last night romantic comedy. But how are you truthfully?" I looked down at the pizza dough I was rolling out. Under our short sleeve work shirt I was the only one who wore a long sleeve underneath it. A look of disappointment appeared on my face also his.

"I've had better days. No I haven't stopped. But I didn't do it yesterday." He looked around he was trying to change the subject.

"So anyone special."  

"Then I would have to be special. But I did go out with Alice last night. She brought friends and they brought Harry." I gave a smile as Mike flashed me one.

"So this Harry who is he?"

"Well he's amazing. He's funny but serious, a great smile, a passion for people, and he's just a good guy." I was trying to bite away my smile becasue I knew Mike would surely tease me about this. "He reminds me of John."

"Is he gay?" I laughed as a eyeborw rose on his face.

"No I don't think so. Harry is just..." In my mind i searched for the right words. "Harry." I finished with the pizza then went to the cash register.

"Hey!" I looked up to see Harry and the boys. I smiled at them.

"Hey guys how many?"

"Six." Alice popped out from behing Niall.

"I was going to scare her Harry."

"Yeah Harry always have to ruin the fun!" Louis said retorically. I came to think the prankster mostly in the group was the one in the stripped shirts Louis.

"This way guys." I lead them to their table. "What can i get you for drinks?" They ordered and I ran to get them and give them their plates for the buffet. Harry came up to the counter "Hey."

"Hey Emily. How are you?" I looked up at him stopping what I was doing.

"Why are you asking?" I looked at him with puzzled look suddenly tucking my arms more in my shirt.

"You hurried out this morning I know you told me but still you seemed bothered." He reached for my hand and I pulled it away regretting it the minute I did. Harry looked a bit hurt.

"I'm working we really shouldn't touch you know?" He nodded taking it thank goodness. "I'm fine Harry really. I'm just tired." He sighed.

"Well you never texted me."

"I went home and went to bed." I gave him a smile as Harry started to lean in. I was ready for the kiss when Mike cleared his throat. Harry pulled away looking at me. "I really should get back to work."

"Fine but text me." I nodded and smiled. "Oh and Niall want to know which is the best pizza?" I smiled shaking my head.

"The four cheese hamburger." I smiled and Harry went and sat down. They all came to say bye before they left. I gave them all hugs and they left.

After my shift I was walking to my car. "Harry!" I screamed looking at Harry leaning against my car.

"I didn't know of you were going to text me and I wanted to see you."

"That's just a little crppy Harry." I smiled anyway glad he did it. He walked towards me.

"Where were we?" Harry put his left hand in the small of my back his right carressing my face. He slowly and gently brought my lips towards his. An electricity flew thru me catching my breath by storm. I wanted to pull away but yet at the same time I found him irresistable. His full cherry tasting lips made my knees go weak. Suddenly he pulled away. "Sorry."

"I have to get home."

"Right." he said scratching his head. He backed away going to his own car and I took off.  I let out a sigh of relief and frustration. Damn Emily you should be doing this to anyone I thought to myself hitting the streering wheel.

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