Hey you

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I saw her coming from a distance, through the glass windows, sitting at a small table in what used to be the Rainbow café. We used to meet here in the early days when I arrived. It was now called Pinch of Cleo. She had taken it over and turned it into a Bäckerei. A bakery where you could have breakfast with her wonderful pastries or even lunch with delicious sandwiches. Everything that made her husband's belly grow in short. Yes, Cleo and Alan had been married for six years now. The phlegmatic and wise Cleo. Except for the interlude of the Aurora break-in. I smile thinking back on it. She would have thrown herself into the fire for Hannah. I watch her as she arranges the shelves behind the counter. She hums absorbed in her thoughts, her brown hair pulled up tight, her red apron tied behind her waist. She was the one who held us together after the mine and picked up our pieces. I watched their story come to life, no one would have bet on this odd couple. The gruff divorced policeman and the wise girl. Instead they are happy. Really happy. They deserve happiness. They both deserve it.
I return my gaze to the stained-glass window. The red hair spilling unruly from the hood of her coat was noticeable, as I said, from a distance. With his quick step in an instant he was at the front door, which swung open, jingling the bell.
"Damn it's cold! Hi Cleo! Can I have a piece of chocolate cake? Hello Mr. Helmut!" all this said loudly, in less than five seconds, as she made her way toward me and simultaneously slipped off her coat and hung her bag on the chair. She was a volcano she was, living everything to the fullest, everything always still with enthusiasm and a smile. She had suffered so much but never lost herself. I seemed to be the stronger one in everyone's eyes but in fact it was always her among the two, despite appearances.
"Hey you," she said lightly waving the small fork that came with the cake she had ordered toward me.
I lifted my cup of coffee to let her know that I was already all set. My third cup that morning. I should have eaten something but just couldn't.
She didn't say anything about the night, she already knew everything, there was no need to talk about it. She was there for me. She was still working in the workshop, she had never been able to go away and leave Richy's parents. She had bought new fish every year and kept the tradition of making up new names. It was her way of telling Richy that she had forgiven him. If he had not died I think he would have forgiven him anyway.  Deep down she loved him. Too bad I didn't realize it sooner, maybe things could have been different. But I would never have appeared in their lives and they in mine. Maybe it went the only way it was supposed to go.
"Look, can you tell my brother that my boiler broke down again? I'd even call the company but I'd have to wait at least ten days and I don't want to freeze while I get in the shower like today. Yes, I know I could tell him, but please, he's staying at your place more than at home now. In fact listen, when are you getting married?" She finished the last sentence with a faux angelic smile and big eyes batting her eyelashes like a cuddly little animal.
There it was, the fateful question. She never gave up on becoming not sister-in-laws. I burst out laughing and repeated the usual phrase to her. "- Even never Jessy, even never. " She huffed blowing upward making a strand of hair fly and laughed. "- All right all right, just get me to fix the boiler."
"- Mmm I'll see if I can convince him-" I said pretending a big sacrifice. She laughed again, finished the cake and got serious. She shook my hand, placing hers on top of mine on the coffee table. She had paid attention while talking and laughing and eating to the fact that I was shaking. Something imperceptible to everyone, even myself if you will, but not to her. I gave her a half-smile and she realized I didn't want to talk about it. Not there. "- Now I have to go Hailey. I'm done with my break. But we definitely have to have dinner together one of these nights! Just you and me for meant eh. I won't take no for an answer-" And hurricane like always, she said these things as she slipped on her jacket, purse, handed the empty pie plate to Cleo and threw herself at me in a flying hug. My break was over, too. I smiled at Cleo and paid the bill after finishing the usual little theater in which I obviously got the upper hand. If it had been up to her, she would never have made me pay. And I in return would never come back if I didn't pay. I went back to the office and pretended to work at my station.

Thanks to eu_phero for the gift of the cover 🖤

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