A break

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I had never had a dog. One that was all mine I mean. I had always liked them and at home as a child there were Dad's dogs but they were not really mine, I just played with them but had no responsibility or commitment to them. I thought I should call him to find out how to deal with them. How do you relate to a dog that is not yours? How do you keep him from eating your house? Little things like that. Up to the basic needs maybe I would get there.

" I swear if you ravage my apartment I'll make a rug out of your fur eh."

He sat at attention as if he understood and it was so tender for me. He was me at that moment. He was left alone and he didn't understand why. His world was gone and he no longer had a point of reference. He kept whimpering and looking in the direction of the now gone ambulance. I wonder if I too had had the same forlorn look. Come on, we'll be fine together I promise. I understand. I gathered his things, closed the small cottage and we went up to my house. He followed me without making too much fuss. He was almost bigger than my small couch, I was about to get an uncontrollable nervous eye twitch. I took a beautiful selfie hugging him, his head was twice the size of mine, and sent it to Phil with the caption: my new boyfriend. The reply message caused me more than a chuckle. "I didn't know you liked hairy! New perversion?" Followed by a "What's the son of the devil doing in your house?"  And I laughed, message aside, not only at how he had named the dog, but because I noticed he had used your house.
Everything as usual. Surely he had not noticed that I had not specified it the night before. Just as well. I was safe. I would have gotten into unnecessary paranoia. And anyway, this was no time to get lost in such details. I briefly explained the situation to him, and after asking about Frau Töpfer's condition he could not refrain from asking if "the son of the devil" as he called him would stay with me for the whole month. Cerberus was a working german sheperd hund, dog of the late Herr Töpfer also a policeman. He was definitely oversized. A big huge wolf with disturbing colors and yellow eyes. But he had a bigger problem than his size. He hated male people. That's why he had not stayed on duty but had become a "normal" dog. A house dog. He hated male people who approached women he considered his own. Exceptions were children. Sort of a canine version of Dan, and Phil knew well how much he hated men. He had tried to pinch his buttocks once he had simply greeted his mistress too closely when he had let us into the garden to see the man-made pond he had put back in operation. It had come up behind him as silent as a panther and neither of us had even seen it. One had heard the chattering of teeth between them as they went idle. But only because Frau Töpfer had called him back in a serious, authoritative tone. She had a pulse with him despite her grandmotherly appearance.
" -you could have ruined that fine ass, I should put you in the pot now-" I said looking at him.
When we passed the gate together, while he dispensed celebration, tail wags and licks to me, he gave him threatening smiles and growls. I could have also sworn I was hearing pure canine derision amidst all the grumbling. Of course I couldn't go to the club with him, and leaving him alone in the house was out of the question. Big as he was if he got worked up he would have broken my apartment. And yes, he would have stayed the whole month. Phil told me he wasn't coming. 

"-Not if the emissary of evil does not return to the underworld first.-" he told me apparently amused by the diversion as well.

I wonder if him too, wished to get away. Surely yes, he was a free spirit, like me, he could not stand ties and bonds for too long.  All in all, a month with the beast had freed us both. I resigned myself to a movie night, blanket and junk food with my new roommate from the underworld. I didn't mind. We needed a break. Or rather I needed a break. I didn't understand what we were becoming or what we weren't becoming. I used to do that all the time.  As soon as I realized that things were starting to get too much, I would loosen up. And he was okay with that. He didn't want to feel like a couple either. We would drift apart and meet other people. There had been a little longer period than usual with Jeffrey the cameraman for me and Audrey the reporter for him. They had come to do a shoot for a documentary on the lake and had stayed almost a month or so. He was cute blond Jeffrey, a nice person, but he was too condescending toward me. He was sort of like Thomas. But I was not Hannah.  I was worse to say the least. I would have ended up stepping on him with my temper. Audrey was an explosive volcano with black curly hair and for her part she wanted to make a serious commitment, she was in love I think but for Phil she was just one conquest among many. It ended months later with the excuse of distance. Then there was the Frontman and a backing singer in some band. Bikers passing through. Seasonal waitresses. All things of a few nights if not adventures of one. We lived on excitement, which lasted a moment, as if we were in a perpetual search for something.  The newly formed mental image of him with another woman this time irritated me deeply. I realized this because at the end of the movie, I hadn't even followed, I was holding my herbal tea cup exaggeratedly and my hand hurt. Even the wolf crouching at my feet noticed it because he lifted his snout to look at me, emitting a resounding sigh.
" - Let's go to sleep beast, tomorrow I work and I still have to think about where to put you - " . He immediately followed me, accompanied by the cackling of nails on the floor.

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