The wrong bridesmade

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I went and got two Whiskies at the counter and a soft drink for Lilly, as requested.  She definitely preferred this, to drive herself and avoid the Dan, Whiskey, car association. Good girl. I'm still a cop and I don't want to make you walk home. I walked back toward them and almost spilled the entire contents of the glasses on me by bumping into something. My fault eh, I was distracted by the resumed talking of my couple and I wasn't looking where I was going but at them.
"And be careful," the something, or rather someone, said to me in an annoyed tone. He said this while staring at me with two hypnotic blue eyes and raising his voice to be heard over the music. He turned his back without even waiting for a response and continued talking to the woman he was with. To think I was even about to apologize to him before he opened his mouth. - Oh Fuck you- I growled through clenched teeth convinced that he couldn't have heard me anyway. Instead, he heard me. I could see it in his defiant expression when he turned around again. Being taller than me, he ducked down provocatively bringing his face closer to mine, so close that I could feel his breath on my face. He fixed his huge eyes in mine, as if he wanted to read my mind. Damn, what an irritating face he had. An old scar just below his left eye. What a waste of two beautiful eyes like that on such an asshole.
He hissed at me in a provocative tone, "What, pardon?" . It was obvious that he was purposely seeking confrontation, probably to impress his partner. I answered him with a grin painted on my face, certainly not backing down. Honey at this dance you have the wrong bridesmaid, I thought.  Already I could mentally see myself twisting his arm behind his back. Maybe even arrest him after scrambling him a bit. I imagined hearing the sound of his ego breaking in front of her who would come to retrieve him the next day at the station. That is, if she wanted to retrieve him. I said, 'We've changed. I certainly for the worse. I felt Phil's gaze fixed on me. Motionless as a snake ready to snap. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Dan nod to get up. He had not let me out of his sight, overprotective Dan. Spiderman had spider senses, he had Nanny senses. Don't worry, guys, I'm not in the mood to pick a fight and ruin your evening today. It wouldn't have been the first time anyway. But not today, I'm tired and I want to enjoy the evening, not fill out verbals. I don't want to ruin it for you either beautiful unknown woman. "I said fuck it, you heard me right," I whispered bringing myself close to her ear but not backing away an inch. At that point raising my voice considerably and moving away from him I continued "my fault, I wasn't looking where I was going, please forgive me."  I smiled at him with the sweetest big eyes I could fake so everyone could see that I was sorry. I saw him take the blow and hint at a smirk as I walked on my way. The only thing betraying him was the fist he clenched low. Take that and take home "blue eyes". And be thankful I'm tired.

" - Are you okay baby? Should I break his head?  - -" Dan asked me as he took the glasses I had set down on the table and handed them out.
The thing that made me laugh was that on another occasion Lilly would have called the police right away. She had done that in the past as well. She always wanted to turn to the police so that none of her friends would get hurt. But in this case the police were me and I was always the one attacking. I found this little mental short-circuit a little bit amusing. I took my Whiskey, made a gesture with my free hand as if to say forget it and raising my arm with the glass toward them and with an inquiring look I asked them:
" So what shall we toast to tonight?" They looked at each other and she nodded.
"Here's to me i..ahswuenfjr..ter" and she gave the most dumbfounded smile I could ever see plastered on his face. Oh come on stupid live band, this was no time to turn up the volume any further!
I pointed to my ear with my index finger and rotated it with my thumb to indicate that I had not heard. He tried again to repeat the phrase. The music was way too loud. He had a stroke of genius, a Dan-like stroke of genius to boot. He grabbed on the fly literally stealing from his hands an order pad from one of Phil's employees. I looked at him with folded hands to ask his forgiveness. He smiled, handed him a pen as well, pulled another one out of his apron pocket by lifting his thumb and disappeared among the clientele. Ah holy coworkers.

Dan began to draw. Oh my goodness, you don't want to play Doodle Friends now! I looked at Lilly laughing and knew he was serious. All right! I gestured to lift my sleeves, ready for the challenge. A caterpillar! A salami! A rolled-up blanket! Oh Lilly couldn't you draw? A face in a turban! A person! A small person!
A baby! Dan's eight-hundred-tooth face went up and down indicating that I had guessed right! It took me about thirty seconds to realize that no, they were not kidding me! I looked at them in turn before exploding!
" Oh shit, Daniel Anderson's going to be a dad," I jumped up out of my chair and launched myself to hug them both, risking flipping the whole thing upside down. Good thing Jessy wasn't there or we would have all ended up on the floor. "Oh my gosh guys, this is beautiful, I'm too happy for you. I have to tell everyone, I can tell everyone right?" I shouted holding Lilly's hand . Her eyes were happy and she was beautiful. I kept making a myriad of sounds of joy. Oh my God I was turning into Jessy. But this really was the best news ever. A ray of sunshine in our messy lives. We stood there for at least two hours, completely light-headed and happy as if we had always been normal people with normal lives. A beautiful evening for a day that had started so badly.

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