Special Agent

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They were in front of my eyes. I was not dreaming. I had even pinched my hands that I put behind my back to make sure as I swallowed noisily. They were really there and what was worse was that they were wearing the dark jacket with the yellow FBI lettering. It was at that moment, looking at his serious, impassive face, with his wavy black hair kept longer in the front and faded short in the back, his porcelain-white skin, with those eyes pointed straight into mine, that I realized I was already in deep shit or would soon be in it. Him and those damn blue eyes will be the end of my career. Don't worry Alan I'll go there outside the schools and check the kids in the crosswalk.

"-Agent Bishop I'm glad to meet you, I'm Officer Garcia-" . She approached me with a confident stride, offering me her hand. Up close she showed a few more years than I had previously given her. Or maybe it was the uniform and the pulled hair that didn't do her full justice. She was indeed very beautiful, with big black eyes, amber skin, and South American features that gave her an exotic feel. She also had a great body, and if I say that as a woman, it is because it is true. If I hadn't seen her before with that one there, with her asshole colleague, I would have liked her a lot as a person, she exuded authority but without being awe-inspiring. But now I just wanted They to disappear.

"- Agent Garcia, my pleasure-"
I unleashed all my false confidence. Sometimes I thought that if I was an actress I would deserve an Oscar. But then I remembered how Dad used to mock me "who are you kidding that you're a time bomb, can't lie even under torture, and get into trouble more often than you should?"
Pleasure my, get the damn tablet and take your partner away.

"- This is special agent and informatic expert Dunham. Hopefully he and the rest of the team will be able to get into the system and see what's really inside. I congratulate you, had it not been for your insight, that little girl would no doubt have died in who knows what horrible way. We're going to stay here a few more days, I'd like to talk about it over coffee if you have time-" .
I nodded my head.
I would have gladly had coffee with you but thank you no, you are accompanied by Mr. Asshole of the Year and I'm sorry to decline. But of course I couldn't say that out loud.
I understood his curiosity, it certainly wasn't every day that one came across such a thing, let alone in a small place like Duskwood. People had only learned about this small town lost in the woods because Hannah's disappearance and Amy's death had made the news. Surely even Dr. Bücher did not expect to be stopped by a stupid patrol in a stupid little town.

She looked at his colleague as he waited for him to come up and thake my hand. I would have rather put my hand in a shrine with a rattlesnake or a tarantula. Now I understood Alan's face when I had made the gesture of handing him the leash that morning. See? You laughed at him and were punished. Damn karma! But I like risk, and I was never going to give satisfaction to that slap-face. Never.
I extended my hand in his direction waiting for him to come closer to shake mine. He did come closer, as swaggering as he had a few nights before. He advanced decisively, a stupid smirk plastered on his face. His gaze amused by the situation.  Completely distracted by the astonishment of having them in front of me and my warlike thoughts I didn't notice that Alan was looking alternately between me and the desk. He was coughing trying to get my attention but I didn't realize this until later. Inside I thought to myself that he should do something about that strange cough that kept choking. Jesus Alan, have your wife give you something when you get home. Slap-face took my hand and let go of it almost instantly as if he had taken an electric shock. In fact, I had completely forgotten about the presence of the demon son hiding near my feet.  But he had noticed it all right.
I was reminded of it by the sound of his teeth chattering together as a Noooooo Bishop died in Alan's throat. Special Agent Blue Eyes with a jerk jumped backward and managed to save his foot popping up inside my personal space while I simultaneously shifted my weight over the leash thus preventing Cerberus from getting around the one thing that separated him from our common enemy. The desk. I have to admit he had enviable agility, I wouldn't have thought it possible from someone who stood hours at a PC.
Undecided whether to give my partner a cookie right away as a reward or reprimand him, I met Alan's gaze, -you came in through the window after curfew, you will be grounded- I called the beast to order and apologized. Yes. I apologized to the enemy. There was nothing else I could do in that situation.
"-Same character as the conductor I see.-" he said, smiling. Don't smile slap-face, I know you were scared. Yes, I would have given Cerberus double cookies that night.
This time I didn't take the bait. I couldn't. So I pretended I hadn't heard him.
"-I'll go get him right away-"
"-Bring the pc to my office as soon as he's done.-"
In all that chaotic situation, the beautiful Garcia giggled. Yes, she giggled contentedly. Your partner can't even stand you, think if I can.

" -Please come this way-" said Alan pointing the door to the two and thus avoiding me having to pass between them leaving the dog unattended.
I left the computer in charge and walking out of the room where they were, I prayed that it would be the last time in my life that I would cross paths with those two.

" -Double cookies? Look, I think I'll buy him a family pack. In fact no, I will make him a monthly subscription. I'm starting to like Beelzebub- " .
This was Phil's response to my story as soon as I was able to call him on my lunch break. I ate a sandwich in my room, avoiding going out for the whole shift and we laughed a lot but he also advised me not to get in trouble. Not with the FBI.
"-Then they end up arresting you and it's my turn to exonerate you" . Ha ha very funny.
No, I had no intention of that. Besides, I was going to be busy with Thomas and the others so I didn't really have time to spend on funny joke with the enemy.
But since Duskwood is really small and I had relaxed too soon.

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