I have to do the shopping

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When I woke up, I could not immediately realize how many hours I had slept. I know I was hungry, I know that for sure. And I know that when I picked up the phone I had new messages and I didn't know where to start. Three messages from Dan. One from Lilly. One from the number I hadn't registered yet. I recorded it. Jay. One from Thomas and one from Jessy. Okay let's start with Thomas, that was definitely going to be the least worst.

"I'm glad you worked it out. You still owe me a day together, don't forget I came for you. I love you."
Dear old Thomas, I promise, you will have your day.

I turned to Jessy's message.
"I am proud of you 🖤"
Jessy, my person. Had it not been for her words I would still be fleeing who knows where, with death in my heart. How I wish I could have relieved her of her grief for Richy as she had done for me.

Dan or Lilly? Dan.
"What does Hailey mean? Don't start with the riddles too."

"I'll be damned, I sat far away and I see Lilly is crying with that guy, but just because you asked me to I swear I won't break his head. No wait, she's hugging him. I can't smash his head you say?"

"Hailey I'm speechless. I talked to her. Thank you for making her so happy, I know it was your doing. How are you? Call me."
Nanny Dan, stop worrying about me, I will call you.

It was the turn of Lilly's message. It was very similar to Dan's but without beating anyone.
"Just a word. Thank you. I can't find another. You brought my brother back to me. I love you Hailey. If you need to write me."

I opened Jay's message.
"I talked to her, it was not easy for me but you were right. She forgave me everything. She hugged me! It was the best hug in the world from my sister. Thank you Hailey. Thank you for making me a different person. Thank you for saving me for the second time. Also from Dan. I could see him wanting to smash my face but I knew there was no doubt your hand in it - I know he was smiling as he wrote this - Hailey you must be happy. I think I've seen your happiness but you need to see it too. Go get it."

What the hell kind of riddle was it this time? Okay I would think about it after the shower, I was too emotionally overloaded,I had no head even to think of strange riddles. I put all the stuff in the washing machine except one. I thought I wanted to put the same sweater back on. It made me feel good. It gave me the feeling of always being in a hug.
I was going to wash, put on any pants and definitely go to the supermarket. - I have to go grocery shopping because the fridge is empty. You have a right to eat beast too.-I pointed my finger like Jessy and laughed.
I sent a message to Alan as well, texting him that I was feeling better and would be back at work soon.

I returned from the supermarket with the best canned goods in the department and the inevitable junk food. I was really in denial about taking care of myself.
I decided that I would call Jessy and tell her about that long night.
She answered right away, as always, ready to listen to me.
She never interrupted me, as only a good friend can do.

"And now Jessy I need to talk to your brother."
I sighed and popped the last giant marshmallow in the package into my mouth.
I heard her fidgeting in her chair.

"Jessy what's up all right?"

"Yes yes " .
She had a tone that tried to be convincing. But one that wasn't. She was not the usual Jessy. And I was her best friend and a cop.

"Jessy are you hiding something from me?"

"No no ". Okay she was hiding something from me. She never spoke in monosyllables.

"Jessica Hawkins!" I knew she hated being called by her full name.
Back came the usual Jessy, the one who takes a breath and speaks really fast. The one who always tells the truth.

"And okay, I shouldn't tell you, no let me tell you but I don't know anything about it, I promised and he's going to get mad at me and you know he won't talk to me for weeks afterwards but in that case he might never talk to me again and then I'll-"

"Jessy damn, what are you trying not to tell me?"

"That Phil is leaving! He is leaving our sister and he is not going to come back and I know because I heard him tell a supplier that he wanted to sell the Aurora if he found him a buyer and to let him know but I didn't tell you anything. I don't know if he's gotten into the car yet,"

she said this thing all on the spur of the moment, as if saying it this way made her in his eyes less guilty of confessing it.
What? Is he going away? Could I never see him again? No, he cannot leave. I won't leave any more things unresolved, damn it. I'll let him go if he wants but not before he hears me.

"Jessy I have to go" .

I put the call down without even waiting for an answer, grabbed my house keys and left, heading for Phil's house. I had to get there on time, I had to tell him everything, and I hoped he hadn't already left. I had realized I had to say goodbye to Jake in order for both of us to be truly free but I had also realized something else last night. I had realized how important he, Phil, was to me and I could not let him leave without telling him. I had lost him or never had him but I had to do it anyway.
"Go get your happiness," he had told me. I understood it now, as I ran breathlessly through the light rain, what he meant and he had understood it before I did. Phil was my happiness. And it had always been there. And now he was going away. Even the weather seemed to know and had changed from the sun that morning.
I saw him from a distance down the street as he was putting a suitcase in the car.

"Stop Hawkins! Wait!" He couldn't hear me damn it. It wasn't possible. I had to stop, out of breath. Hands on my knees trying to recover. I couldn't speak. I couldn't breathe. But finally he saw me. He looked at me lifting my head from the trunk. The black leather jacket, a white turtleneck sweater that hid the tattoo. The hair tied at the nape of his neck and loose locks that moved in the light breeze before sticking wetly to his face. How beautiful he was my god.

"I don't have time Bishop -he told me at a distance raising his voice for me to hear him- I have a flight in two hours and I'm already late. You can call me if you want to let me know anything," he got into the car, closed the door, started the car and began to move.
Can you call me? Fuck you, what was that old Phil coldness? No, I wasn't going to let him leave, not until I had told the whole truth and left nothing unresolved. I wasn't going to leave anything unresolved in my life ever again. At the cost of getting run over.

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