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"In every moment of our lives we have one foot in the fairy tale and one in the abyss."

I had read it in a random book I picked up at the library and it had stuck with me. Never before had that sentence represented my life as it did today. The foot in the fairy tale... He was alive and had returned to me. And the abyss was myself, with my anger and guilt.
I had gotten into the car and didn't know where to go. I didn't want to hear from anyone but I should have. I couldn't just disappear. It wasn't right. I kept doing and saying things that made me feel Hannah. Lying. Disappearing. Making loved ones worry. All this in no particular order. At least Jessy should have been warned. And Thomas, too. He was there for me, I had brought him in and completely abandoned him.
Sorry my friend, I just met a ghost and I don't feel so good.
"Promise me that if you need help you will ask for it." Thomas had said this and I was already breaking my word. Yes, I will notify them as soon as possible. I found where to go. I thought and thought about it, then finally made up my mind. I was going to want to go home, to Dad I mean. He would hold me, make me hot chocolate, and with his immense wisdom listen to me. He would not have been able to tell me what to do. But I was going to be a child again for a while. I needed to be a child again and for someone to take care of me but where Daddy is staying is way too far away and so I could think of nowhere else but here, the only place that allows me to be in solitude while not straying too far away.
I am going to the house in the woods, exactly the one where my friends had taken refuge during that whole thing. My life is full of questionable choices, and this certainly won't be the worst one. I picked up the keys a little while ago, I knew very well that it would not be occupied at this time and they gladly rented it to me. It has remained exactly the same. Of course, she is also older than then but she is still there, identical to the pictures Cleo sent me. I put the bag down in the hall and thought of Richy. He had sent them there. They were running from their nightmare, the faceless man, and I am now running from my nightmare, the man I gave a face to.
"-You managed to get me up here, too, didn't you?" I screamed in a fit of rage.
I can't believe I'm picking on a dead friend.... I'm going to lose my mind this time I can feel it. I've lost everything now anyway. I first lost Jake ten years ago and now I've told him to go and really die.... I didn't even want to listen to what he had to say. To hell with him. Phil I lost him anyway. In fact, I probably never had him. I didn't come here to decide what to do or who to be with. I don't even know why I came here. And as usual I didn't think to bring food. Take care of you. Sorry Phil, I just don't know how to do that.
Promise that if you need help you'll ask for it.
Yes, I definitely needed help. And certainly not just for groceries. I needed my friends to keep me from going crazy. I picked up the phone and texted Thomas.

"I promised I would do it if I needed it. And now I need help. I need my friends. "
He called me right back. I just told him where I was, no explanation was needed.
"We're on our way."
An hour later, an hour when I had had a chance to shower, there they were at the door. Thomas had his hands full of grocery bags and Jessy had Cerberus on a leash who jumped on me whimpering. I was glad to see him, you damn furry fiend.
It was Jessy who broke the silence, as always, her and her being direct without ever making you feel guilty.
"You're a mess and I know it, I bet if I hadn't brought you food you would have ended up in the woods looking for random berries, don't thank me. No, shut up, shut your mouth the bugs get in it, talk later. On my way to get you something healthy I ran into Alan and he told me that he - he definitely stretched his leash out to me - all he did was cry and not let anyone come near him even to feed him so I went and he quietly got caught. Porcamiseria Hailey are you sure he is not definitely yours? Because he's starting to look like you. If he's yours you owe me a car wash, he filled my car with hair. Shut up I'm not done." He set about arranging the groceries and hung up the lecture. " I don't know why, maybe he knew I was bringing him to you, but he didn't try to kill Thomas. " Through it all Thomas smiled at her words but looked at me. He looked at me as only the best of friends can. "And now since I don't know about you but I'm hungry and it's definitely dinner time, you - she pointed her finger at Thomas - light the fire in the little terrace, please. And you -he pointed his finger at me while extending a bowl and a jar - see that you feed him at least because he doesn't eat from anyone. And you -he finished by pointing at Cerberus - see that you don't get picky about what I got you."
No one contradicted Jessy that night. We were too hungry to throw a tantrum, weren't we, my friend? I knew no one liked that place because of the memories it evoked. But they were there for me and it made one realize how much of friends they really were. Jessy grilled some meat, the only thing she could cook in a remote cabin in the woods, and I hadn't really eaten in many hours now, too many, and nothing had ever looked this good to me. Fuck Jake or whoever the fuck you are now, I'm not starving for you. In all this time Thomas had not opened his mouth. He was looking at me, sitting in the chair on the terrace pointing at him, but really he was lost in the void. I could see him playing tug-of-war with Cerberus with a wood he had procured for him outside, while I was trying not to bring out my inner monsters. That's right. He was playing with him. He didn't want to eat him. He didn't want to kill him. Always thought Thomas was too good, so good that even the son of the devil liked him. If Phil saw him, he wouldn't believe it.... Phil. My heart skipped a beat. He tried to kill Ja too.... I didn't know what I should call him anymore. I lost another beat. My gaze must have changed. Because it was only then that Thomas decided to open his mouth. "So Hailey, now will you tell us what happened to you?" .

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