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Thomas arrived under the house exactly at the time he told me he would arrive. I had left Cerberus at his house, in his garden. I was going to pick him up later because I didn't want him to be alone too much anyway. It had been a long time since we had seen each other, and I confess that I missed my friend. It was impossible not to love him. He was good and generous. True, he was often impulsive and made disasters, like the time he made us lose connection with Hannah's phone. But he did it carried by his feelings. He was not a calculator but a man of the heart. Who could have ever blamed him? He did not know where the girl he loved was, and he had discovered that she was hiding a world behind her. I practically jumped on top of him straddling him like some kind of koala on the eucalyptus tree and he caught me without difficulty.

"-Tommyboy!-" I snapped a resounding kiss on his cheek.
"-Do we know each other?- " He gave me the line from our first conversation.
He had lost a lot of weight but not in a bad way. And he had a strange light in his eyes. A light I had never seen.
"-I don't know, you tell me. - I got off my human tree and purposefully squared him off- You look really good Thomas. It's not that you have to tell me something I don't know?"
He turned red, and I realized that yes, finally someone had come into his life, and judging by the way he looked, it was someone who really made him feel good. I was so happy to see him like this, when he left he had such a defeated and sad look on his face.... The few times we had seen each other again he always had the same sad look. He could hide it from everyone. Except from me. But not this time. This time it was really different.
"-In fact, yes. I'll introduce her to you, you'll like her I'm sure. And she'll love you, in fact she already does because I've done nothing but talk to her about you. What about you?  - he said putting his hand on my cheek and running his thumb under my eyes.-I was sure I saw him sadden for a moment seeing my dark circles under my eyes-You are looking more and more beautiful Hailey, don't you have something to tell me too? Something maybe about a certain bartender that I've heard so often-" I realized that even Thomas was teasing me about my lately assiduous hanging out with Phil. Ah Jessy Jessy. This was his doing without a doubt. I vowed to make him pay.
"-Mmm let's see, you have to tell you that I have a dog for a month, that I told a guy from the FBI to fuck off and I didn't know he was, that I almost started a fight at the Aurora because of him, that the dog was going to eat him in the office, that I'll probably end up directing traffic but no, I don't have to tell you anything relevant. Who is the bartender?-"

We burst out laughing and I promised to tell him everything in detail over a slice of cake at Cleo's. She did not know he was coming and we decided to surprise her. As soon as she saw him come in she immediately left what she was doing behind the window and rushed to hug him. They had been really close the two of them during Hannah's disappearance. They had even gone together to break into the Aurora. God in heaven, Phil was really angry that time. She brought us food, and this time he would not listen to reason; no one was to dare to pay for anything. I agreed on the condition that they would come to my house for dinner that very evening. Everyone. I would notify Jessy while Cleo would notify Dan and Lilly. I had kept their secret just hoping for this reunion. I had only told Jessy. But to her I could not lie. By some strange favorable coincidence they all said yes. And in my opinion the favorable coincidence was the presence of Thomas. We were all going to be there.
Obviously not Phil. He was older than them and had never really dealt with them. He had always seen them as "my sister's friends." And he tolerated them as such. He had not forgotten that it was because of them that he had been arrested. He had set aside but not forgotten. When I would point out to him that I was too, one of them I mean, he would reply that it was different with me.

"-Then, explain to me why you will end up directing traffic? -" he said stirring his cup of coffee.
I told him everything by filling him with details and sure enough I did it in a really hilarious way because he did not stop laughing for a second. His laughter was infectious. My smile died as soon as I saw the object of my tale materialize in the doorway. This time without the beautiful Garcia.
"-No Thomas please, I don't believe it, make me disappear, hide me, my nightmare has just entered. - I nodded at him pointing at the door- But what is he, does he have radar to know where I am and torment me?"
I pretended not to see him and forced Thomas with a kick in the ankle to stop staring at him amused. But when Cleo brought me an unsolicited cup of coffee and told me it was "from that pretty boy with the blue eyes," I decided it was time to end it. I apologized to Thomas, got up, and walked toward him mentally going over how to get kids to cross in a crosswalk.

He watched me come striding up. "-Thanks for the coffee. But since I've never liked lying, I'll tell you straight. I don't like you. Just as you don't like me. You are irritating. And don't make that false face at me, we're not in the office. Can we quietly continue to ignore each other until your pretty face is thousands of miles away? Would you like that as an idea?-"
He literally laughed in my face. And I thought he was such an asshole.
"-So much for candor. Thanks for the pretty face. But yours is better." - Was he bullshitting me?-
He got serious all at once "-however you can relax, it's just coffee. Nothing more.- "
He looked at me in a strange way before turning his back on me and walking away.
I went back to Thomas interjected and prayed that this week would pass quickly.

We met at my house that evening as promised. We seemed like a normal company of friends getting together after years of school together. Only we unlike schoolmates where there is always someone you can't stand, we really loved each other. All so different and all so close. I had suddenly entered their world and stayed there. They loved me and I loved them. That was the reason I didn't cook that night. Because I was definitely not a great cook and I loved them.  Lilly and Dan's revelation was accompanied by squeals and cheers of joy exactly as I had predicted. Everyone was on a high and Dan was visibly happily. Thomas stood up and raised his glass for a toast.
" -To the coming baby and his parents, may they have all the happiness they deserve. And to us. May we always be united and that whatever happens in our lives we will always know that we can count on each other. Never hide anything, never lie, and if you need help, simply promise that you will ask for it. Because friends do this. They are there even when you don't see them and they always help, if you let them-" He concluded with " One for all.. "
None of us hesitated, "And all for one." Richy wherever you are, this is also for you. I had to make a great effort not to be cry. And as far as I could see, so did the others.

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