Embarassing Things

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I found him already awake, sitting on the bed with his back resting on the headboard as I carried the breakfast tray. Or rather what I had put together with what I had in the house that morning. He had tied up his hair again without looking at himself in the mirror in that disheveled way I liked so much. I had remembered that I had to ask him to go to Jessy's to check the boiler and I had to soften him up somehow. They had recovered a lot in their relationship after all that had happened. She had fought so hard to clear his name when they had arrested him by accusing him of Amy's murder and Hannah's kidnapping, and he had really appreciated that. They still bickered often but had overcome that wall that seemed insurmountable. But if there was one thing he hated to do, it was this kind of thing.

"- Toast, coffee, Nutella.... This time you exceeded your standard of just coffee. And all this brought to bed, without having to get up. What do you want in return, you tempting devil, my soul?- "
"-Mmm maybe.- "
I kissed him before climbing into bed, set the tray next to us on the bedside table and sat face to face, straddling his legs. I confessed as he ate and between bites licked Nutella off the corners of his mouth alternating with some
"- Please - "
" - do it for me - "...
" - I know it costs you - "...
Needless to say, the talk was postponed for a while although he obviously then agreed to go and have a look. Not without pretending to protest at least a little.
" - But only because you ask me. My sister and her obsessions with saving money. If it were up to me I'd throw out that old boiler and buy her a new one, end of story - " . She was right but I certainly couldn't tell her that. I was never going to go against Jessy.
The look on her face when she opened and saw us in the doorway was priceless.
" - How do you get them to do things almost immediately? -" she exclaimed, stepping aside to let us in.
" - She arrested me tonight, that's how she does it, with violence and then he tortured me with Nutella!- "
oh no come on, you can't have really said that. The redhead laughed seeing my face as I felt my cheeks heat up but blatantly pretended I hadn't heard. 
" -No no no, I don't want to know your embarrassing things, leave me alone. I'll make the coffee, the boiler you know where it is. You," she said pointing her index finger at me, "come with me, you sent me a voice message that I didn't understand last night, who is waiting for what or something like that-" .
Oh yeah I had sent her a voice note on WhatsApp about Daddy Dan but between the music and the Whiskey I have to admit that maybe it wasn't quite understandable. So we went into the kitchen like two old comrades and I filled her in on the news. She went from clapping her hands like a little girl to hopping around the kitchen to hugging me while continuing "- I can't believe! it's beautiful. I have to call them. Actually no, I have to visit them. Should I buy them a present? Or is it too early? No wait, I don't know what they need -".
I already imagined his enthusiastic reaction but this time he was really outdoing himself. The phone vibrated in my pocket, I had received a message. I wasn't sure I wanted to read it, not after yesterday's but I couldn't ignore it either, it could be important. I pulled down the curtain to see the preview so I wouldn't have the commitment to reply necessarily.  Thomas. "See you on Monday 😁."
I resumed breathing. I turned the screen toward her puzzled face, who as soon as I turned the screen read the message and resumed talking about royal encounters and dinners with even more energy. She was pulling me into a tornado. I loved that side of her but inside I exulted when Phil reappeared from the stairs leading to the basement. " -Ok for a few days it should go, call a technician or let me buy you a new one because I swear to you, this is the last time I'm going to get my hands on it. I'm not going to get dead in it. And neither are you. Right? -" he said as he lowered himself to look her in the eyes in a tone that did not admit of retort.
"-Me neither.-" she repeated like a child, raising and lowering her face.  She practically kicked us out of the house after drinking her coffee; she desperately wanted to finally take a hot shower because according to her, she stank. It wasn't true! The truth was that he wanted to phone Dan right away to find out the news of the century.
- Congrat's Dan, this is going to be your phone call of the century-I thought, laughing to myself.

"-Chinese? -" Phil's deep, dark eyes sitting in the driver's seat were on me, waiting for an answer. Another thing I had overcome with him. The first time we went, all the way there I thought it was all wrong, I should have gone with Jake. It should have been our first date. I felt like I had betrayed him even though I knew it was crazy. At that place he would show up in his probably black sweatshirt, hood over his head so he wouldn't be recognized, I would look at him and get lost in his eyes that were so familiar. And we would have kissed. It had to be like that in my dreams. I didn't even know what color his eyes were! I never talk whit Hannah about him. She was probably the only one who knew what he was like, and I never asked her anything. I never talked to Hannah about anything now that I think about it. Never.
" - Chinese!- " I smiled, resting my hand on his that held the gearshift.

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