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It was a quiet night, my new host, apart from a moment when he growled in the direction of the door when the girl from the apartment across the street left for work, was definitely good exceeding my expectations. I set the alarm early because he deserved a good walk and anyway he should have gone to the bathroom too.
I took him there. But this time it was a peaceful visit. I sat down as always in the wet and motioned Cerberus to sit beside me as well. I scratched his head between your ears and handed him a cookie.
"Hi Richy, meet my ultimate boyfriend. Obedient, quiet, protective, he only needs a cookie and looks at me with loving eyes. Yes ok he loses some hair but I can forgive him for that, what do you think?"
I began to talk about the news as if he really could hear me. I told him about Dan and Lilly

" can you imagine a little Dan? He's probably already building a little motorcycle and looking for a baby-sized leather jacket! Let's hope it's not a babygirl, my goodness he'll build a tower to lock her up in. You know, Thomas, your best friend, is coming back tomorrow. He's become mine a little bit too but you already know that, let's just say I borrowed him. We will come back to visit you together. We miss you Richy, we really miss you. It's not the same without you." And it was true. That boy with whom I had dealt if only briefly had entered my heart. He was nice, never wanting to take sides so as not to displease anyone. He was a good guy he was. Yes, he was, despite what he had done. He was simply scared and desperate. We all understood and forgave him. Sometimes when I called Jessy and knew he was at work I thought I would hear his voice any minute. "I have to go now, Adios," as he always said when he closed a chat.
I left a cookie on the tombstone when I left. The birds would have picked it up and brought it to him. I liked to think of it that way. In a kind of romantic vision that was good for my heart.

He saw me coming from a distance and made a more than puzzled face. He stood frozen on the steps of the police station staring at me as I approached, in a mixture of fear and disbelief.
"-Please don't! Tell me you're not really doing this. Please No! What is he doing here?"

"-Come on, Alan is only for a little time, I don't know where to put him, at his house he cries and the neighbors complain, at my house I won't leave him, I'd still like a home you know. Besides, after all, he's a colleague! But if you really want to take him home to you.... -"
I made the gesture of extending his leash .
He came back as if I had tried to hand him a scorpion. I tried hard not to laugh when I realized that the thing on the end of the leash was showing its teeth at him in perfect silence. Stop Beast taunting my chief!

"-Are you crazy Hailey? Look at him! He would never let me near my wife again. That beast hates me. Besides hating the rest of the world of course. He loved only Walter-" . Then he became serious. Damn serious.

" -Hailey seriously. Okay you have permission. Take him in your office, put him in the kennel, do whatever you want, but do you keep him at bay. Or you'll have to answer for it if he causes trouble. By the way, I heard that someone should be coming to get that computer seized in the Bücher case but I don't have details yet.-"

Shit, Alan had the look on my father's face when he caught me coming in through the window after my late-night raids with friends. See that you don't get me into trouble son of the devil. Or you'll have to put me up in your little house, in the garden and you'll have to give me your cookies because I'll be out of work and without pay.
It was most amusing to see the colleagues move as I passed by as if they were the sea and I was Moses with a dog instead of a stick. But it was good, he didn't try to bite anyone. At least not for now.
I placed him under my desk, closed the door so I could have him under control, and got to work. This time in earnest.
The Bücher case, I remember it well. It was one of the few times I lost my temper badly and Alan had to hold me down so I wouldn't have to be arrested as well. An unsuspected doctor, with a spotless record, whom we stopped for a normal traffic check and instead found a little girl half unconscious
in his trunk. I remember it well because I was the one who realized that there was something wrong with him. He had a cooperative and submissive attitude but every time he looked at us his gaze was slimy and nervous. He repeatedly rubbed his hands together. There was something disturbing about him behind that air of a decent person. And he was lying. I don't know how I knew, but I could feel that he was lying. That was the reason Jake was leaving that part of the job to me. My insight into other people's emotions that he was unable to decipher. I saw the terror in his eyes, even though facially he had not shown the slightest expression, when, going around the car I asked him to open the trunk. He tried to manipulate me first by falsely praising me and trying to shift my attention elsewhere, then tried to say that it was full of old and dirty stuff having emptied the basement and he was ashamed because he was a doctor. Alan caught my glance on the fly and took care to keep him busy with the paperwork while I by now had taken it upon myself to open the damn trunk. I found her there, little more than a child. I would have killed him if Alan had not restrained me. Physically restrained. He was too much of a rabbit to even try to escape in earnest; he merely looked at me with terrified eyes trying to take refuge behind his own car. We also found a laptop but could not access it. Which meant that there was definitely more to it and something big. No normal doctor would have had that much security and that much computer capability. And that's why we called for the intervention of the FBI who finally apparently had deigned to send someone. I was so absorbed in this memory that I realized the door had opened only when the son of the devil moved between my feet.
" -Agent Bishop, these are the officers who came for the laptop we talked about earlier-"
Alan looked at me seriously and professionally, in his impeccable uniform but probably inside he was just hoping that Cerberus wouldn't pull some shit of his own so he would be put in charge of traffic outside the elementary school instead of the police station. Forever. Palette, whistle and go. Go kids, go to school.
Inside, however, I hoped Cerberus would come out from under the desk and eat the newcomers. And leave no trace of them behind.

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