The strange couple

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I looked at the clock several hours later. Well, my shift of that long and pretend work day, (forgive me Alan Supreme Leader now and forever amen) was almost over, so I could have escaped home to change. It was Friday, and I could not and would not miss the evening at the Aurora. I deserved it after that horrible night. I was going to help Phil, I was going to listen to good music, I was going to have a few drinks, maybe more than a few, and maybe I was even going to get drunk, forget about that horrible day, and maybe I was going to be able to sleep catch up on lost sleep. Yes, that was a pretty good plan, I thought as I went to clock out making sure there was no one to greet. Hailey you are fucking unsociable. I told myself that. I was aware of it. Which then wasn't even true. It was just on those days that I didn't feel like relating to any or almost any of my colleagues. Had I been able to not go to work, I would have been hiding in my bed, completely submerged under the quilt, eating only junk food. I succeeded and slipped through the exit door sneaking out like a criminal. Direction home.
I arrived at the Aurora two hours later, had eaten something, showered and obviously changed. Nothing too flashy but not everyday either. I even had heels on, almost a miracle. I had put on makeup and let my hair down. The impression that I had done a better job than that morning was confirmed by Phil's eyes as soon as he saw me among the clientele. Music was coming out of the speakers in the background, and later some up-and-coming band would be performing. I wondered how he could at a distance of all that time still look at me like it was the first time and make me feel like the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. And he saw women inside his club. Quite a few, too, and often beautiful to me. But he was looking at me. No, it wasn't like Thomas looked at Hannah. In the most absolute way, no, heaven forbid. It was not love and adoration as if I were some kind of pure and immaculate madonna. It was love and physical desire. He was looking at me like a feline looks at his prey. I would have noticed his gaze on me even if I had been blindfolded in downtown New York. He, like me, had had his short-lived affairs, but we had always come back to each other. There was a kind of magnet between us. He had patience Phil, he had patience with me. I never thought someone with his character could have any. I approached the counter.

" - officer -" he greeted me, pretending to barely know me.

" - Mr. Hawkins -" I greeted him back.

" - can I offer you a drink officer?"

Damn sexy look. Damn neck tattoo sticking out of his white T-shirt. Phil had, metaphorically speaking, a big flashing LED on his head that said sex, Las Vegas style. And he had gotten even bigger with age if that was possible.

" If this is an attempt at bribery you know I could arrest you Mr. Hawkins."

" - oh yes officer, it is, handcuff me.... To the bed."

The 'last part he whispered two steps from my ear, sending chills down my spine with his warm voice as he leaned over the bar extending me a glass of god knows what. He made fabulous cocktails and I never asked what they were.

"Like it's the first time," I replied winking voicelessly, brushing his fingers as I took the glass. He could tell by reading my lips and returned my mocking smile. He pointed me with a nod of his head to the opposite side of the room. There they were, sitting at the usual, more distant and discreet table. He was nervously drumming the fingers of his left hand while holding her's in his right. She was also holding her other hand over his.  They looked strange, serious, suspicious if you want to pass me the working term. I lifted the colored glass toward Phil. " - I'll let you work, if you need to call me, I'll come back and arrest you later. "
Of course he never really needed, he was a professional. He simply liked having me behind the bar with him. And I doubt it was because of my prowess with cocktails. I turned my back on him and conscious that he was staring at my ass I walked toward the strange couple.

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