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I didn't even mind the fact Chris was drenched in sweat. I was so happy he cared about me. None of the slaves at the manor ever cared about me. They had their own groups even though some would get sold off if they couldn't behave. Chris wanted me to be in his group. I wasn't going to have to worry about being alone anymore. He wanted me to be like him. I was accepted. I smiled and looked up at Chris.

He looked down at me and smiled, "Come on, Melody, let's get off the stage."

I let Chris lead me to the side of the stage where Andy and I had been standing before following the rest of the guys down the steps and through the large set of black metal doors that lead into the main hallway. I didn't let Chris' hand go, afraid someone would just appear from nowhere and take me away from this wonderful dream. Chris didn't seem to mind I was holding onto his hand, in fact, he still had a smile on his face as he looked down at me.

"You look better." Chris said.

I didn't know I looked bad to begin with. I looked down at the oversized black wool coat of his I was wearing. I suddenly felt defeated. I didn't want to look bad. Chris sighed loudly when I didn't reply, "It's a good thing, Melody. You look happier."

I nodded. I was happy. I'm part of a family that cares about me. I never thought I could be part of an immortal's life. I was taught that I would never be cared for. If a human seemed weak, an immortal would kill them. I did my best to seem strong, and I even failed the tests Evan gave me. He told me I was doing good, but the way he told Nick that I failed, it seemed like Evan wanted to be the one to kill me. I stopped walking when I noticed what room everyone was going into. I didn't want to be with those other guys. I didn't know them and I didn't know what they would do.

Chris stopped walking with me and gave my hand a few squeezes until I looked up at him. He didn't have a huge grin on his face anymore, but he did give me a small smile, as if he knew what was stopping me from going any further. Andy said he could read my mind and maybe Chris could, too.

"I can't change what has happened to you, Melody. All of this is new to you and it's okay if you are unsure about anything. I named you Melody because that is what I heard when you spoke. You can say anything and I will always be here to listen." Chris said, letting his fingers slide in between mine. I smiled at him in return as my heart fluttered in my chest. Chris pulled me into his side and wrapped his arm around me, "I want you to use that voice."

I nodded, "Thank you."

Chris gave a small, breathy chuckle, "You're welcome, little kitten."

A dark figure appeared in front of us. I moved my eyes from Chris to the large figure and instantly tried to pull Chris in front of me. Justin gave a short sigh of defeat as he mumbled under his breath, "Dammit."

"Quit. Scaring. Her." Chris said in a stern tone, pausing after each word to let them sink in, as I closed my eyes and shoved my face into Chris' side to hide.

"I'm not trying to. I felt her fear in her scream, too, Chris. She called to us both with it." Justin said. I heard him walk up the stairs and knew he was with the rest of the guys where the loud sounds were coming from. I took a breath and pulled my head away from Chris' damp shirt and looked up at him, "What did that mean?"

Chris looked down at me, a smile softening his face, "It means Justin and I both care about you. You opened your soul up to us when we were in the alley and neither of us are going to let you get hurt."

"Like a boyfriend?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows at Chris.

Chris chuckled and shook his head, "No, it's more like we both adopted you."

I scrunched my nose up now, "Adopted?"

Andy's chuckle made my cheeks feel warm. I had never heard the word before. I knew I wasn't very smart-I am only human anyways. Andy walked down the steps, his electric blue eyes were warm and they seemed to calm me down the more I looked into them, "Chris and Justin both want to be like your father, Melody."

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