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Deep rhythmic breathing was the first thing I noticed. It wasn't my breathing. It belonged to the body that was holding me tightly against them. I felt safe as I knew it was one of the guys. I could remember being moved around and sort of waking up. I could have also dreamed some of the stuff I think I can remember. I opened my eyes and waited for them to adjust to the dark bunk, a small blue light indicating my headphone case was fully charged was the only source I had of light.

The bus was mostly quiet, apart from snores and heavy breathing as well as the tv up front was still playing in the background. I let go of Bash to rub my right eye. I needed to use the bathroom but I was so comfortable where I was. I groaned but instantly stopped, afraid I would wake the vampire next to me. I raised my head to see if I could tell which one of the guys I was with. The long hair was a dead giveaway I was next to Vinny. His face looked so soft. As I studied Vinny's face, I realized he is very beautiful.

The girls back at Wellington Manor would love to be paired with Vinny or owned by him. I wouldn't let any of their gross hands get near him, though. I sighed as I leaned my head back down on Vinny's shoulder. I don't want that place to come back to my mind but it feels like it won't ever leave my memory. It's always going to haunt me. Warm tears prickled my eyes and I closed them tightly to make the tears go away.

"I'm here, kitten." Vinny mumbled sleepily as he rubbed my right forearm with his hand.

I froze instantly, worried he was going to be mad at me for waking him up by accident. I opened my eyes, too afraid to stop the tears, "S-s-sorr-ry."

Vinny leaned his head up instantly, fully awake with his eyes wide open in a panic, "Hey, hey, hey. What's wrong?"

I couldn't say anything. Vinny took my hand into his, "I'm right here, Melody. You're okay. Nothing is going to hurt you. You're safe."

Tears were pouring out of my eyes and I couldn't stop them. Vinny pulled me into his chest and wrapped his arms around me tightly, "Everything is alright. You're okay. I won't let anything happen to you. Did you have a bad dream? Hmm? I'll fight any nightmare that wants to visit you."

Vinny planted a soft kiss on my forehead, "I'm not letting go of you, kitten."

I let Vinny continue to hold me tightly as I cried. He kept rubbing the back of my head as he held me. I stayed silent, not allowing my body to make a single noise since that is what I was used to doing. After a few minutes, Vinny pulled his phone from beside his pillow and turned the flash light on to light the bunk up. I raised my eyes to meet Vinny's when my tears stopped. I wiped at my eyes with my left hand. Vinny gave me a small smile, "Everything okay?"

I nodded while Vinny wiped tears off of my cheek with his thumb. "What happened? Did something scare you?"

I shook my head. How am I supposed to tell him I was scared of going back to Wellington Manor? Vinny's eyes were so full of worry. Did he really care about me that much? I wrapped my arms around his torso and hugged him tightly, afraid of waking up just to find everything with the guys was just a dream.

"Vin?" A voice whispered from outside of the bunk.

"AJ, I don't know what happened." Vinny replied to the whisper, his voice shaking a bit.

Is Vinny worried he did something to make me cry? I feel better because I am with him. I let go of Vinny and looked up at him, "I'm okay."

The curtain beside us opened, also letting in some light from AJ's phone, "It seems like Melody just had a little panic attack. Wellington really has its roots in her."

"Oh, kitten," Vinny breathed as he pulled me into him tightly again, "You will never go near Wellington's or anywhere similar to Wellington's again. You're a Motionless, now. That place isn't even worth your time. Don't let the bad memories invade your thoughts."

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