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Suddenly I knew what Justin was saying. I fully understood why this was hurting him. He loved Jules.

The baby she was going to have was his.

I pulled myself from Ricky and took a few steps until I was right in front of Justin. I grabbed his left hand with my right hand and slid my fingers in between his. Justin squeezed my hand, holding it so tightly as if my touch alone could take away his pain. Justin took in a deep breath before sighing, forcing himself to open his eyes and look down at me.

"No sadness." I said softly, forcing the words out of my mouth. I didn't know what to say, but I didn't want Justin to be sad.

Justin gave me a forced smile, "Don't worry about me, kitten."

"Scary dad needs to be happy to be scary." I said and gave Justin a smile.

There isn't anything scary about a sad vampire. Even if the sad vampire was dressed in all black with terrifying eyes, they wouldn't stay scary to me. Justin's forced smile softened and turned into a real smile. He put his right hand on the back of my head and rubbed his thumb over my hair, "Thanks little kitty."

I smiled as I closed my eyes and scrunched up my nose, which made Justin and Ricky chuckle. I relaxed my face again and opened my eyes. Justin looked a little bit happier. I could tell he wasn't that sad anymore because there is this feeling I get when someone is sad. It's like a dull ache in my chest, where my heart is, that I can feel. I couldn't feel the light ache anymore.

"Let's check out the rest of the venue" Justin said, easily changing the topic from himself. His dark brown eyes seemed to glisten with excitement as he turned to leave the room, pulling me into his side as he let go of my hand and wrapped his arm around the back of my shoulders while he held on to the top of my left arm.

Ricky stayed on my left side as we walked down the hallway, passing a few other rooms that looked similar to the room we had been in, trapping me in between the two men. I wasn't really trapped, but it made me feel like I was protected and it comforted me. The light gray hallway walls had all kinds of picture frames hanging on them. The pictures looked like they were all of kinds of different bands on the stage. I wonder if the guys have a picture here somewhere.

It didn't take long for us to explore the venue. I kept Bash tightly in my arms, afraid someone would take him from me if I wasn't paying attention. I stayed at Justin's side, grabbing onto his hand or arm whenever an immortal we passed made my chest feel tight.

Justin opened a door and ice cold wind hit my cheeks, making me realize we were headed back to the tour bus. Good. I wanted to be with Chris, but I didn't want to go back outside. It's cold outside and I wanted to stay in the warmth. I also didn't know if Chris would be okay since he and Logan were in a pretty heated argument when Ricky pulled me out of the bus earlier. They could have gotten in a fight.

I followed after Justin, staying behind him in hopes no one would notice me. Ricky stayed beside me so I was in his eyesight the entire time. Between the two of them, I was pretty well hidden from the other immortals around us. Justin typed in a code on the keypad on the bus' door before he pulled the door open. He held the door open for me and I went up the stairs, grateful to feel the warmth inside the bus.

"There you are." I heard Chris say cheerfully, "Did you have fun?"

I wouldn't exactly call it fun, especially when Justin was talking about Jules and got sad. I did want to know more about her. I wanted to know everything about her, actually. Justin had said it could be possible that she was my birth mom. I hoped she was. It would be nice to know who my birth mom was and what she was like. Even if Jules isn't my real birth mom, maybe I can pretend that she is. I didn't want to ask about her if it hurts Justin to think about her, though.

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