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"Chris, what did you do?" The new male, Justin, asked. I was too scared to look at the new figure, afraid they would attack me, so I just closed my eyes and let Chris hold me in the comforting embrace. "Shiiiiiiit, Chris, you ripped his heart out."

Chris gave a deep sigh, "Saving her was the only thing on my mind while draining her was the only thing on his mind."

"At least take her inside so she's out of the cold." Justin said.

"Yeah." Chris said. "Get the guys to help. I'll be back."

Chris took a step back from our embrace, which made me open my eyes. Was he going to do something to me? Is he going to kill to me? He wrapped his arm around my lower back before heading towards the door Evan had knocked on. Evan abandoned me when Chris showed up and Chris held my leash now, so it felt like Chris was my new owner. At least he isn't going to kill me right now like Nick wanted to. My breathing started to even out at the thought that Chris wasn't going to let anything happen to me.

At least, not right now.

Chris walked up to the metal door, pulled a card from his pocket, and held it up to the door. The door beeped, a little light flashed green and he pulled the door open. We entered the building and Chris turned into a hallway on the left. The end of the hall had a short, steep staircase and Chris ever so gently guided me up the stairs with his hand on the small of my back. I didn't know where to go or what to do so I stopped on the third step as my fear kicked back in.

My heart felt like it was going to flutter from my chest as my breathing started to become uneven again. Chris stopped at my side and forced me to make eye contact with him by gently guiding my chin up with his cold hand. I was able to see a soothing brown color in his eyes because of the light behind me. I didn't know what was behind those eyes but I felt like they were going to be the last thing I ever see.

"You have nothing to fear, little one. None of us will hurt you." Chris said softly. The corners of his lips curved upwards into a gentle yet amused smile as he raised his hand up to my collar. His cold fingers touched my neck and I quickly jerked back out of instinct. He's going to drink from me.

Chris held his hands up, letting me see he wasn't touching me anymore, "Hey, calm down. I was just going to take that thing off your neck because it looks uncomfortable. You can leave it on if you want to."

I swallowed in an attempt to calm my nerves as I took a step forward and pulled the collar of the coat down, exposing my neck to him fully so he could remove my collar, "M-m-mast-"

"Chris." He said, looking back into my eyes after he unbuckled the collar from my neck, "Don't call me master, just Chris."

I have never heard of an immortal letting a human call them by their name. I was too stunned to reply so I just nodded my head.

"You won't be punished for anything with us. You're safe." Chris said. "Do you have a name?"

"Chris!" A deep male voice said from behind the half wall railing above me, "I thought you had an interview?"

Chris turned his head up before turning forwards and continuing up the last two steps, "The interviewer had to cancel."

I quickly followed Chris up the steps, staying as close as possible to him and hiding behind his tall figure as if the new voice wouldn't notice me.

"That sucks." The deep male voice said, sounding closer. It was the same male voice that opened the door earlier. I looked up in fear of this voice's body grabbing me. Hopefully they won't get mad at me for looking up from the floor to make eye contact with them. I reached out to grab a hold of Chris' shirt. I liked the physical feeling of knowing I'm not imagining a vampire is keeping me safe.

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