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I held on to the stuffed cat Chris bought for me as I sat on the couch closest to the door while Chris and Vinny were moving things around further into the bus. I couldn't help but smile as I cuddled the cat. Chris told a fan I was his daughter. I couldn't believe it. The butterflies in my chest still hadn't calmed down from excitement. My new life is going to be better than anything anyone could have planned. I felt like I mattered, like I had a purpose. Just like Chris said, there's a reason we found each other. I heard Chris groan with frustration.

"Calm down. We can figure this out." Vinny said before he and Chris came into view. I raised my eyebrows as I looked up at them.

"Okay, so, we need everyone in here to be able to find a bunk for you." Chris said, his left hand on the top of his head, his fingers gripping tightly to his loose hair strands.

"Look, I can sleep on the couch." Vinny said, shrugging his shoulders as he pushed his hands in the front pockets of his black skinny jeans.

I shook my head. I didn't want anyone to have to move for me. I also didn't want to sleep alone. "Don't want to sleep alone."

Chris raised his eyebrow, "You won't be alone."

I stood up and gently took Chris' right hand in mine. I leaned into him and leaned my head against his arm. I wanted to stay by Chris' side. I looked up at him. He lowered his left arm from the top of his head, letting it drop to his side. Chris gave a small sigh, "These bunks are small, Melody. It's hard to share like we did at the hotel. You should have your own space."

"Please don't leave me alone." I whispered.

Chris groaned before he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest, "I promise you're not going to be left alone."

"Kitten, you don't have to worry about being alone anymore. You're always going to be with us." Vinny said. I smiled as I leaned my head against Chris' chest. It was nice to hear those words, but they could abandon me easily. I'm afraid of that happening. I can be thrown away like trash without a second glance. I wrapped my arms around Chris' waist, "Promise you won't throw me away?"

"Holy shit!" I heard a voice say. I automatically tightened my arms around Chris as much as I could and tried to hide my face in Chris' chest as if I would become invisible. The voice sounded like it belonged to AJ and I still hadn't met him. Chris leaned back a little as he tried to loosen my grip on him. I looked up at Chris as it came to my mind that he was pushing me away as a way to distract me so he won't have to promise he won't throw me away.

"Her voice!" AJ said.

I dropped my arms from around Chris and let my stuffed cat hang from my right hand. Chris doesn't want to save me this time. Chris was looking at where I'm assuming AJ was standing, "Melody, you need to get to know AJ so you won't be afraid of him."

I shook my head, feeling a pain in my chest. Chris pushed me away. My eyes were quickly filling up with tears. I heard footsteps coming closer to me and I closed my eyes, letting the warm tears roll down my cheeks. I heard another pair of footsteps before arms came around me and held me tightly. Why didn't my master keep me safe?

"Chris!" Ricky snapped right next to me, letting me know I was in his arms instead of AJ's. I wrapped my arms around Ricky's stomach and let myself cry into his hoodie, thankful he was now here.

"What? What did I do?" Chris asked, a panic starting to rise in his voice.

Ricky sighed, "She's scared and you pushed her away."

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