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"He's really attached to her. She is an absolute doll, too. She stays." AJ said as he slid open the door to the back lounge. I moved my eyes over to look at AJ as he came into the room. AJ completely froze when his eyes met mine.

"The kid hates me." Logan said with a laugh.

Fear instantly came over me and I latched myself onto Toby slowly, worried about waking Chris up even though I wanted him to keep me safe from Logan. I wrapped my right arm around the top of Toby's arm, Bash tightly in between my shoulder and the side of Toby's arm, while I buried my face in the back of his arm. Toby reached for my other hand while I closed my eyes tightly, wanting Logan to leave.

"Sleeping with Vinny, huh?" Logan said, annoyance lacing his words.

"What? That was hours ago. And look at Chris. When was the last time you saw him this happy? Don't even answer that because I know the answer." AJ said. I heard someone take a few steps and I knew it was AJ when he continued talking, "I'm not going to let you separate them, either."

Logan scoffed, "He doesn't need to worry about the kid while he's on tour, AJ."

"Her name is Melody. You're not going to be cursed for saying her name, Logan. Stop calling her the kid." Toby said.

Is Logan still trying to get rid of me? He can't try while Chris is asleep. I won't let him. I raised my head from the side of Toby's shoulder and sent Logan the meanest glare I could, even though I was completely terrified. I'm still in Chris' arms, so I will be safe if he tries to do anything to me. Logan moved his eyes to mine, "She thinks she's a kid."

I'm not a kid. I know I'm not a kid. I might be dumb, but I'm not that dumb. I heard AJ give a little chuckle.

"Eat shit." I said clearly so Logan would know I was talking to him. He narrowed his eyes at me before shaking his head.

"Chris!" Logan snapped as he put his hand on Chris' shoulder and started to shake him. I quickly shoved his hand off of Chris. I wasn't going to let him wake Chris up. Logan growled and grabbed onto my wrist, letting his fingernails sharpen before he shoved them into my flesh, "You fucking little shit."

I wasn't going to let Logan have the pleasure of hurting me. I took in a deep breath and held it, keeping my eyes squinted as I stared back at Logan. I gave him a smile to let him know he wasn't giving me pain like he wanted to. I felt a small drop of blood seep from underneath Logan's fingernail and slide down my arm.

I felt movement beside me as Toby was pulling me across his lap to his other side. Logan smirked, pulled his nails out of my arm, and pulled his hand away. Toby wrapped his hand around my arm where Logan's nails punctured me and I couldn't help myself from looking down to see if I was bleeding badly. I didn't see much blood, which made me feel better. When I noticed Logan wasn't in front of me I raised my head up to see Chris holding Logan against the doorframe by his throat. I could hear the deep growl coming from Chris, "Do. Not. Touch. Melody."

Logan chuckled, "It's a pet, Chris. They aren't like regular humans. She will never fit in."

I wanted to attack Logan. If I was stronger, if they would have changed me, I would be able to fight back. Toby sighed, more to himself than to me, but I still heard him, "Are you okay? Does it hurt?"

I looked down at my forearm as Toby opened his hand up to inspect my wounds. My skin was starting to turn purple where Logan's fingertips were and each one of his nails made a small, curved, cut, allowing my blood to escape my body. Toby put the pad of his thumb in his mouth before rubbing it over each of the fingernail wounds, using the healing ability of his saliva to stop my blood and close the holes. I noticed Toby bit his thumb to mix his blood with his saliva. I watched in awe as Toby's vampire blood instantly healed my flesh, as if nothing had ever happened. I bet if I was a vampire then I wouldn't have even bled. I looked up at Chris, who was still holding Logan up by his throat, as his growl became louder. Toby snapped his fingers in front of my eyes, "Hey, focus on me."

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