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A knock on the hotel room door frightened me and I jumped before I wrapped my arms around Vinny in an effort to hide from whoever was at the door. Vinny gave a small chuckle as he pulled me from his lap and set me in between himself and Ricky on the bed. I grabbed Vinny's arm as he started to get off of the bed. Vinny turned his head towards me, a small smile on his face, "It's okay; it's just AJ."

Vinny pulled his arm from my hand and walked around the bed towards the door. I hadn't met AJ, so I don't know who it is. What if they hurt me? I couldn't stop the fear from taking over me and I reached over to grab Ricky's hand. I heard a short gasp come from Ricky's mouth as soon as I touched him. Ricky was sitting up and wrapping his arm around me within seconds. I welcomed Ricky's embrace without a second thought. I pulled myself closer to Ricky and closed my eyes, wishing I could be invisible so I wouldn't have to meet AJ. I grabbed Ricky's shirt and held onto him tightly.

"You're okay, you're safe." Ricky whispered in my ear.

I opened my eyes to look up at Ricky, feeling my chest flutter at his words. Ricky hadn't actually said he would keep me safe. Yes, Chris said he would, but Ricky never said it himself. He was probably just as surprised as I was when I reached for him. I didn't even know if he would hurt me or not, but I took the chance and it was a good thing I did. Ricky already had his blue eyes on me and I noticed he had just a hint of a smile on his face.

"Whoa." Vinny said but I couldn't see around the bathroom wall, "Put your shirt on, Chris."

I could hear Chris give a mock laugh, "Ha ha, Vin. Get the door."

The door opened and closed quickly and I could hear footsteps belonging to a third person that wasn't Chris or Vinny. My heart was pounding rapidly and I closed my eyes again as I shoved my face into Ricky's side. I knew he could feel my heart trying to come out of my chest.

"Wh-" The new person's deep voice was cut off instantly.

"Hey, Melody, what's wrong?" I heard Chris ask. I wanted to run to him, to jump up onto him like I did on the stage so he could keep me protected from this AJ person. But I knew if I opened my eyes, I would see this AJ.

"I think she's afraid of AJ?" Ricky said.

"Me? Why the fu-"

My body tensed up as AJ started to speak. Ricky nodded his head as he put his right hand over mine, pulling my hand from his shirt, "She doesn't know you, AJ."

I could hear them whisper but I couldn't hear what they were saying. I didn't hear AJ say anything else but I heard a plastic bag rattling then footsteps going towards the door. Ricky kept his firm hold on me and I felt like he wouldn't let me go.

"Melody?" Vinny said softly.

I shook my head. I didn't want to meet AJ.

"I'm going to go to my room now, Melody. Don't be upset at me for not telling you good night." Vinny said, "AJ is leaving, too. He's waiting at the door so you don't have to see him."

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. Vinny was standing by the edge of the bed and he smiled when I looked at him, "If you get scared later one of them can call me to come back over, okay?"

I nodded. I wanted him to stay while AJ left. Vinny tapped his finger on the end of my nose, "Night, guys."

Vinny did a head nod as he turned and went behind the bathroom wall then the hotel room door opened and closed, indicating they had left. I didn't let go of Ricky and Ricky didn't let his grip on me go. I didn't mind the comforting hold and was too tired to move from the embrace so I just leaned my head onto Ricky's shoulder. Ricky sighed, "Chris, we are so fucked."

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