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"I never thought I would see a day when a teenager is able to control all of us." Justin said with a deep chuckle as he walked into the back lounge without a shirt on.

"Melody isn't controlling us, Justin. We are just doing things specifically because of her and for her." Ricky said, flashing me a smile while he rubbed black paint on his arms.

I don't want anyone to go out of their way for me. They need to act normal, almost as if I'm not here. That would be easy for them to do. I'm just happy to exist with them. I pulled my legs up onto the couch as I turned my body to face Andy more and fully let my body sink into Andy's side. Andy gasped in excitement, "There's the famous Kitty cuddles."

"Don't take all of her cuddles, Andy." Justin said.

"She isn't going to run out." Andy said and chuckled, moving his electric blue eyes to me. I seemed to get lost in how bright the color of his eyes were. Warmth danced in Andy's eyes and I couldn't help myself from smiling. It felt like that warmth was there just for me. There was a connection forming between us and I didn't know if Andy could feel it too or if I was just imagining it. Andy returned my smile and I leaned my head down on his shoulder.

Chris lifted up two black shirts and held them out in front of me. The shirt on the left was long sleeved with holes in it while the right shirt was a tank top. "Should I do the Werewolf jacket with one of these or leather pants?"

Chris is asking me? Is the jacket made out of werewolves? I don't know. My eyebrows furrowed, "Yes?"

Chris laughed, "You can just tell me if I look ugly."

I scrunched my nose up. Now that I am looking at Chris, studying his face, noticing all of his features, and seeing his warm smile, I don't think there is a way he could be ugly. Chris is very beautiful and looks like he could have come from the heavens. He could never look ugly. Chris' dark brown eyes met my eyes and he gave another chuckle, "What are you thinking about, kitten?"

"You're pretty." I replied.

Chris' smile became bigger as his face softened, "Thank you, Melody."

Andy rubbed the top of my left arm, "Do you want to get some sleep soon, Melody?"

I shook my head as much as I could. I wanted to watch a movie. I was going to stay awake to watch it. Andy chuckled and pulled out his cell phone, "Alright. I'll order our food. Cheese pizza, onion rings, and cheese bread."

I was excited to try all of the food. So far, I have loved everything I have tried so far. I didn't know food could taste so amazing. It's crazy how such things can exist but I never knew about them. I have so much to learn.

"Andy?" I asked.


"What is a Disney movie?" I asked as I watched Justin put on a pair of big black boots then he left the back lounge to go back to the front of the bus. I moved my eyes over to the screen on Andy's cell phone as he gracefully moved his thumb around the screen. Andy made it look like it was so easy to use a cell phone. I had trouble reading fast. And I had even more trouble trying to type. Why aren't the letters in order? Do the letters randomly move around and you have to find them?

"It's classic animated family movies about fairy tales and lore. The company that makes them is called Disney." Andy explained.

I did like the few fairy tales I had heard. It made me more excited to watch the movies. What kind of fairy tales were they about? Are they ones I know? Ones I don't know? Chris left the lounge area with a pair of shiny black pants in his hand. I assumed he was going to change pants in the bathroom.

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