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"What are you thinking about, kitten?" Vinny asked as he pulled his little black box out of his pocket and took a hit, blowing the smoke off to the side.

Chris cleared his throat, "Don't smoke here, Vin."

Vinny put the device back in his pocket, "Sorry. I wasn't even paying attention. What's wrong, Kitten?"

I raised my eyes to look up at Vinny. He looked concerned but I didn't think he would care that I was worried about the Lilly girl. I wanted to know if she was going to be okay. She had tried to kill herself. What kind of things happened to her to make her choose death over living? Is she not afraid of dying at all? I shook my head and let it fall back against Chris' chest. Vinny raised an eyebrow, "You can't tell me you weren't thinking of anything because your expression just changed like three times."

I shrugged my shoulders, causing Vinny to sigh, "I shouldn't have let you bring her here, Chris. She's going to withdrawal and become afraid of us again."

"Logan was going to take her to Justin's parents' house if I didn't agree to bring Melody to get checked. The Morrow's aren't the nicest to humans and I expect Melody to be treated like a vampire." Chris snapped, defending himself, "And if I can't stop worrying about Melody while she's in a separate part of the bus, I wouldn't be able to handle leaving her with someone."

"Please don't leave me." I whispered as I turned my head around to look at Chris. I will fight if Chris tries to leave me anywhere. Chris gave me a soft smile and tightened his arms around me, "I'm not going to leave you anywhere. You belong with us and we aren't going to let you leave our sides."

I smiled and let my head lean back against Chris' chest again. I reached my hand over towards Vinny, taking his cool left hand in my right hand. Vinny held my hand tightly as he gave me a slight smile, "Yeah, you are our little kitten."

I couldn't help but give a small smile back. Chris really isn't going to abandon me. If something were to happen where Chris did have to leave me, I don't think Vinny would leave. One of the guys will be with me. I have really found a family. Will that guy become Lilly's family? Is she going to let him be her family?

"Something is on your mind. What is it?" Vinny asked quickly, tapping his thumb on the back of my hand.

"Will Lilly be okay?" I asked.

Vinny's eyes flicked upwards at Chris for a second before he looked back at me, "Yeah, she's going to be fine."

I hoped Vinny was right even though I knew he couldn't have known. I scrunched my nose up, making Vinny roll his eyes, "Trust me, Lilly is in good hands."

Chris made a little hum, "He gave me his card with his number. We can check up on Lilly whenever you want to."

I relaxed my face and let myself sink back into Chris' hold. He ended up having to hold me completely still when the nurse tried to take my blood pressure because I freaked out. I didn't like having my arm squeezed. My hand went numb. It scared me. I didn't even like having my temperature taken and she didn't have to touch me. Vinny's thumb rubbed the back of my hand, "Are you afraid of something happening to Lilly?"

I nodded. I don't want Lilly to hate her life so much she wants to end it. It isn't right that she wants to end her life, by her own hands. It shouldn't be possible to die by your own hands. What if she gets some other immortal to kill her? She deserves to be happy. Chris took in a deep breath, making his chest rise up, "I think the two of them may be soul mates in the same way we are, since he did say he had a strong urge to protect her. Demons don't kill for no reason like some immortals do, so Lilly is safe with him."

"Did he say his name?" Vinny asked.

Chris lifted one of his arms off of me and pulled the small card out of his pocket but held it close to his face so I couldn't see it, "Finn Kaufman."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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