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I stood beside Chris, my right arm wrapped around his left arm and Bash was in the crook of my left arm against my chest. I stared at Logan as he was listing off something he called an itinerary for the evening to Chris. Chris was typing on his phone. I think he was making notes of what Logan was saying. I kept my eyes on Logan, afraid he was going to attack me.

"You need to watch what you're doing, Chris. People will get the wrong idea about her." Logan hissed under his breath, but I still heard him. What is he talking about?

Chris locked his phone screen before sliding his phone in the front right pocket of his jeans, and answering with an uninterested tone, "You need to watch what you say about my daughter."

I felt an eruption in my chest as Chris called me his daughter. Again. Hearing him call me that gave me chills. Not any kind of bad chills, but good ones. I kept half of my face hidden behind Chris' arm so Logan couldn't really see me. I didn't want him to see me. He didn't like me.

"D-d-daughter?!" Logan stumbled on the word, his eyebrows raised in surprise. "You can't just pick up a pet and claim them as your kid, Chris."

A deep growl came from Chris, making Logan become quiet, "I saved a human that needed help on the anniversary..."

Chris took a deep breath before he was able to organize his thoughts and reword himself, "I am choosing to be responsible for her. She needs someone. I will not fail at being that someone for her. I can't turn away and let her go." Chris said, reaching his right hand over and placing it on top of my hand. Logan sighed and rolled his eyes. I tried to pull myself closer to Chris as if I would just become invisible.

"A pet doesn't belong on a tour bus." Logan said under his breath. A low growl started to come from Chris' throat.

"Chris?" I asked softly. I was afraid of Logan hearing my voice and going mad. AJ had mentioned something about my voice, but I don't know what it was about my voice. I guess it sounded horrible to him.

Chris turned his body towards me a little, silencing his growl, "Yes, kitten?"

"Tell Logan to eat shit." I whispered.

Chris started to laugh and I looked up at him. He held his head back as he laughed, his eyes closed. Logan folded his arms across his chest, "Did she just tell me to eat shit?"

"What are you doing to Melody, Logan? Stop being a dick to her." Justin said as he walked up the steps of the bus and sent a glare to Logan.

Logan raised his eyebrows as he moved his eyes to Justin, "She told me to eat shit for no reason at all. I didn't do anything to her."

"You're scaring her." Ricky said from behind me.

Chris stopped laughing and wiped at his eyes, "Andy told her to tell you to eat shit if you scared her or if you were mean to her. Not just you specifically, but you, AJ, and Tobi."

"Oh, fuck." Logan said with a sigh, looking at the ceiling of the bus with his lips pressed together tightly. "I was thinking of asking Andy to talk to you, but it won't help if he's under her charm, too."

I felt Chris' arm harden at the same time Ricky pulled me away from Chris, "Let me show you around the venue, kitty."

I didn't want to let go of Chris since I could tell that Logan was making him mad. I didn't want Chris to feel anything other than happiness. Ricky pulled my right hand into his hand and pulled me down the bus' steps. The cold night air surrounded me and made me wrap my arm around Bash tighter, as if it would make him feel warmer. I know he's just a stuffed animal, but that doesn't mean he should be cold. Justin closed the door to the tour bus before he shoved his hands into his front pockets to pull out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. I really didn't care to see the venue without Chris. I wanted to stay with him to make sure he's okay.

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