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I felt more comfortable when we were in the elevator and the doors were closed. I pulled my face from the side of Vinny's head and hair, glancing up at Chris when he turned his head towards me, "Bash looks pretty curious. I think he would like to look around the hospital, maybe to find all the snack places."

I scrunched my nose up. I didn't like it here. It smelled funny. The lights were bright. And there were a lot of people around when we weren't on the elevator. Vinny chuckled, "I think Bash just wants to find ice cream."

"Vin, you are the only one that wants ice cream. Especially when there's snow outside." Chris said with a chuckle.

Vinny gasped, "I am not the only one. Ryan will also eat ice cream at anytime."

The elevator door dinged then opened and Chris was the first to walk out. I closed my eyes when Vinny stepped out, afraid to see any doctor. I heard Chris let out a sigh, knowing it was hurting him to see me scared like this. I felt Chris put his cool hand over mine and give it a squeeze. I opened one eye to look at him, which made a small smile form on his face. I stuck my tongue out at him before quickly pulling it back in, hoping he would know I felt better with him and Vinny by my side. Chris chuckled, "Ah, Dr. Samuel Pierce is right here."

Vinny adjusted me on his back, "It doesn't look like many people are in the waiting room. I don't think it will take long."

I shook my head and closed my eye back so I could bury my face in the side of Vinny's head as he started walking again when Chris held open the glass door. Chris tapped his thumb on the back of my hand before letting it go. I tried to think about that area my character was in on the Pokemon game. It would be nice to find a place like that in real life. Vinny leaned backwards, letting go of my legs. I opened my eyes as my feet hit the floor and I quickly moved to Vinny's right side, wrapping my left arm around the top of his right arm before he could move away from me. Vinny chuckled softly as he took my left hand into his left hand and pulled me in front of him then to his left side before he sat down. I turned to look behind me at the light brown couch and followed Vinny's action, sitting down beside him.

Chris walked towards a window in the wall that opened to a desk, where a dark headed woman was sitting. I quickly pulled Vinny's left arm over me and leaned into his side as if I could just melt into him. Vinny tightened his arm around me and leaned his head closer to mine, "I've got you, kitten. You're okay."

I noticed there were two other people in the room with us, sitting a row away. The girl seemed close to my age, her long dark hair pulled up into a messy bun, and oversized black clothing hung off of her, making her look smaller than she actually was. The male figure wearing a black suit that was sitting near her, but keeping an empty chair in between them, had his head leaned down, making his dark hair fall over his face as he was focused on the cell phone in his hand. The girl raised her dark green eyes and met mine. She had no expression on her face. I could hear Chris talking in hushed whispers to the woman behind the window as papers were being moved around. It wasn't long before Chris thanked the woman and headed to the couch Vinny and I were sitting on. The girl looked up at Chris and her eyes squinted for a second before they enlarged and she seemed to be staring at Chris in shock. Chris sat down on my left side and let out a nervous breath that it sounded like he had been holding.

"Lilly!" The male figure said in a quick whisper, "Remember, it's rude to stare."

The girl moved her eyes down slowly. I couldn't help but notice how red and puffy her eyes were. It was clear she had been crying. The male cleared his throat, "I will apologize about Lilly. Please excuse her; she's mentally unpresent at the moment."

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