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Chris loosened his grip from around me as Vinny took my hand and tugged it gently, pulling me from Chris and off of the scale. I let Vinny pull me into his side as he kept his arm around me protectively.

"I'm sorry for calling you, Sam. I thought she was about to have a panic attack." The nurse said.

I leaned into Vinny and closed my eyes so I wouldn't have to see whoever this Sam is as I heard Chris take in a deep breath, "Try to keep your mind on something, like playing Pokémon."

"You know I would rather have a false alarm, Dree." A new voice said. The voice was deep and silky. I did my best to not let my body react to the new person. I knew it was the doctor and the doctor didn't exist to me. Vinny guided me towards the wall when he realized I wasn't going to acknowledge the doctor, "Let's see how tall you are."

I opened my eyes as Vinny gently pushed my back against the wall, "Stand up as straight as you can."

I did as I was told and Vinny put a finger under my chin, guiding my head up straight. Vinny looked at the top of my head then gave a cheeky smile, moving his eyes back down to mine, "Four feet and almost ten inches."

Was that a good height? Is it a bad height? Vinny doesn't seem to be mad. I glanced over to Chris and the nurse to see they weren't mad, either. I guess it's not bad. The nurse wrote on her notepad, "We will have to put you on a healthy diet and give you vitamins and supplements to make up for being underweight and malnourished. That should help give you energy and make you feel better all around while your body continues to grow."

"Don't worry, kitten, I won't let Chris turn you into a vegan health nut. I'll share half of my snacks with you." Vinny said, pulling me into his side as he pulled me around the hallway, following the nurse into a room with a bed on a table in a seated position.

"I recommend for her to eat meat until she's more nourished, so I suggest you stay away from vegan foods for a few months. They aren't harmful, but the proteins in red meats work faster in human bodies than proteins in plant based products." The nurse said, turning to look at Chris and Vinny as she spoke.

Vinny pulled me to the sitting bed and pushed me towards it as he sat on one side. I copied him and wrapped my hand around his left arm, pulling myself into his side as best as I could to hide from the nurse. I raised my eyes from Vinny's jacket, meeting the warm, honey eyes belonging to the nurse. She smiled, "In the end, it's your choice if you want to be vegan or not, Melody. I can only give you my professional advice."

"Thank you, Dree. I'm willing to do anything to ensure Melody is healthy." Chris said, walking around the bed until he was behind me. Chris sat on the bed behind us and I was glad he chose to stay beside me instead of sitting in a chair on the other side of the room.

Dree turned around to set her stack of papers down on the counter, "It's only natural that you want the best for your daughter."

"That means we're being good dads, Chris!" Vinny said in excitement. Dree nodded, slightly unimpressed at Vinny's outburst then moved her eyes back to Chris, "Can you give me a few details about her mother's medical history?"

I turned my head to look at Chris as a warm tingle went through my chest. Does this nurse think that Chris is my real dad? Chris' eyes enlarged and he held his hands up, "I'm sorry, I don't know anything about her birth parents."

Dree looked at me then back to Chris, her eyes wide as she looked at Chris. She shook her head, her ponytail dancing around, "Wait, you two aren't blood related to each other?"

"No, we recently met. I stopped another vampire from killing her a few nights ago-"

"Soul mates always find each other." Dree said, interrupting Chris as she took a few steps towards me with a smile on her face. Chris' eyes slowly moved towards me. Did she just call Chris and I soul mates? Like, a fairytale soulmate?

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