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I was almost finished eating the pop tart when I heard the door slide open. I did my best to ignore whoever was standing in the doorway and leaned my head on Chris' shoulder, keeping my focus on the pop tart inside the silver bag.

"Buses are about to leave." AJ's voice said.

"Fucking finally!" Vinny said with his mouth full of pop tart.

I couldn't help but giggle at Vinny. He keeps talking with food in his mouth. I was taught that if I was asked to speak while I was eating, you don't talk with food in your mouth. I don't think Vinny had the same rules I had. Do those rules apply to him since he is a vampire?

Vinny looked at me and swallowed what was in his mouth, "What are you giggling about?"

I put the rest of my pop tart in my mouth and shook my head. Vinny raised his eyebrows as he lifted the bag of Kit Kats to me. I smiled and grabbed the bag. I liked the candy. They called this one chocolate. Chris set his phone down on my lap and took the bag, getting a handful of the candies then handing the bag straight out in front of him and past me. I saw a figure appear in my side vision and looked over at them. They immediately froze. The guy was completely stiff, his brown eyes were locked on me. It was as if he was afraid to make any sudden movements. His brown hair was long and he had a short beard on his slightly chubby face.

Chris tightened his arm around me in a way that comforted me as he let the arm with the bag of candy rest on my lap, "Melody, this is AJ. He's scared of you."

What? I turned my head to look at Chris. Why is AJ scared of me? I'm human. I can't do anything to hurt him. I can't even protect myself. I pulled Bash from my lap and held him tightly against my chest, "Scared of me?"

Chris nodded as he looked at me with a little smile, "Yeah. He's afraid of scaring you."

I shook my head as I looked down at Bash, "I'm just human."

"That doesn't matter, kitten. AJ wants you to feel safe and comfortable and is worried he will scare you by existing." Vinny said.

I moved my eyes over to AJ to see he was still frozen with his brown eyes opened wide, locked onto me. I leaned my head back down on Chris' shoulder. Ricky and Vinny both said AJ is like an uncle to me. It doesn't sound like he wants to hurt me. But he said something about my voice. Is something wrong with my voice? I raised my hand and gave AJ a small wave, afraid to say anything in case he didn't like my voice. AJ seemed to relax and a smile came on his face, but he still didn't move.

"Hi." He said cheerfully, "I like your cat."

I smiled, "His name's Bash."

"That's a good name." AJ said. Chris held the Kit Kat bag out towards AJ and AJ slowly took a step towards us. I nodded. Bash is a really good name. I have Chris to thank for it. He's smart. I wish I could be smart. Maybe I can be smart one day. That would be nice. AJ took another slow step closer to us, "Do you want me to remove the tags from his ear?"

These tags can be removed? I'd like that. But I don't want AJ to remove them. I raised my head to look up at Chris. When he looked down at me I lifted Bash up and pointed to the tags. Chris raised an eyebrow, "What is it?"

"She doesn't want me to remove the tags." AJ said, leaning forward to grab the plastic red bag of Kit Kats. He retreated back to where he had been standing in the middle of the small room.

Ricky chuckled behind me and both of his hands came around me. One hand held Bash's ear while the other quickly pulled the tags off, making a snap sound. I looked at Bash. He looked better without the blue tag hanging from his ear. I smiled and pulled him into my chest, keeping his head above my left shoulder as if Bash was resting his chin on my shoulder.

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