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"Do you have a screen name in mind?" Toby said before he closed his eyes and scrunched his face up, "Uhh, what do you want your profile to be called?"

I just stared at Toby, unsure what he was saying. He knows the name Chris gave me. I don't want to change my name. Toby relaxed his face and opened his eyes, "I've used SkeletonSorrow as my screen name since I was, like, eleven. I'll just put your name down and if you want to be called something-"

"I like kitty."

A smile formed on Toby's face, "Kitty? Do you like Kitty better than Melody?"

I quickly shook my head. Chris chose to name me Melody. He chose the name because my voice sounds sweet and musical. I absolutely love my name being Melody. Having an actual name makes me feel like I belong. I wouldn't change anything about Chris' name choice. I think Melody is a perfect name. It sounds so pretty.

I scooted closer to Toby until my body was against his as I wrapped my left arm underneath and around his right arm. I leaned my head against Toby's shoulder as sleep started to come back to me. My body was tired, but my mind was wide awake and I just wanted to be in a comforting embrace. "No. Kitty is cute."

Toby picked up the small remote and turned the television on, making light flood into the small lounge, "It is a cute nickname."

"Toby, did you really mean I am safe with you?" I asked, curious to know if I made it up in my dreams or not.

"Yeah. You're completely safe with me. I will make sure nothing happens to you. I mean, you're my sister and I'm going to look out for you." Toby said as he set his Switch to the opposite side with the screen turned off.

"Brother." I whispered to myself, loving how I could now say I have a brother. If Chris is my dad, is Chris also his dad? Toby moved his eyes from the television to look at me as I lifted my head from his shoulder, "Is Chris your dad, too?"

"No, Chris is going to be a dad only to you." Toby said as he chuckled.

I still didn't understand my relationships with everyone. I didn't want to question anything. I was excited to have family. I pulled my legs up onto the couch before leaning back into Toby. I wanted Chris to be here, too. I wanted to be in Chris' arms. I sighed.

"Are you okay?" Toby asked me softly.

I nodded my head. How do I explain that I was happy, but I wanted Chris to be beside me? I want to enjoy everything with him. Chris saved me. I am here only because of Chris, and I owe him everything. I squeezed Bash tightly, feeling like Bash might try to fill Chris' shadow, even though he isn't big enough. Toby let out a sigh that matched mine, "I can't read minds and I fucking suck at reading emotions and faces. The guys are good at it and they all just somehow know what you want or what you need. If I don't understand you then I'm sorry in advance. You have full authority to call me a fucking dumbass if you want to, just don't get mad at me, okay?"

I nodded even though I didn't fully understand what he said. Toby sat up and pulled his arm from my grip. Did he not want me to touch him? I let my left hand fall to my lap silently. That's okay. Toby leaned away from me until he pulled something from under the tv. He sat up straight before holding a black blanket out and draping it over the both of us. I pulled Bash into my chest tightly and looked down at the blanket, trying to keep my eyes on it. I didn't want to let Toby know I felt out of place without someone holding on to me.

Toby turned to me and shuffled around under the blanket before he sighed, "This is going to feel so weird. Please don't tell anyone about this."

Before I could ask what he was talking about, Toby wrapped his right arm around me and pulled me into his side, "Well, I guess you can tell Chris and Vinny that I cuddled with you. If you tell anyone else though I will tickle you until you piss your pants."

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