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I was officially done with school. I passed all my finals and got my degree.

None of my family came but I didn't invite any of them. The only one in my family I'm even remotely complicated close to is my mom and that's... complicated.

I would've loved to have her there but I didn't have the money to fly her out and nobody would've been able to take care of her while I was waiting to walk on stage.

But it didn't even matter. Life was going too perfectly, I almost couldn't trust it.

I managed to get a paid internship that I was going to start in the coming months. Modeling wasn't going to pay the bills.

But until then, I was outside. After Bey and I ended things I mostly focused on school so I could just get it over with. Now that it was over with, I was partying the entire summer.

I was staying in Houston because I was already comfortable here. Once I got enough money, I would move my mom to a facility in the city so I could visit her in person. Phone calls are hard for her because she can't see me.

She had been on my mind heavy. Especially after graduating, I felt like I had to do more than what I was already doing for her, but I couldn't do much hours and hours away.

But even with her on my mind, that wasn't going to stop me from showing my ass.

I was single and ready for anything that didn't involve commitment.  I was with all the shit.

I hadn't talked to Bey in a while and I didn't care. She congratulated me on my graduation but that was the first time we had actually spoken in months.

About a week after Gigi got out of the hospital, movers came and got all her stuff. They left all the furniture and plates and shit, plus she never stopped paying her half of the rent, so I didn't really care. That was the day I decided I was done with anything regarding the Knowles'.

I went to visit Gigi daily even after everything happened because my relationship was Bey wasn't my relationship with her.

She was better. Not the same, but better.

We stopped talking as much after she was officially moved out, being in the same apartment was really the only thing that kept us together.

Her body didn't make a full recovery from everything she did to herself and she had to be in physical therapy to learn how to walk again. I only know all that because of her Instagram.

I don't know how she's doing mentally but I do text her to check up on her from time to time.

It's really nothing personal with her but I had to separate myself from all that drama and focus on myself. She could be so draining at times.

But that was about six months behind me.

The weekend after graduation was going to be crazy and I was prepared for that. That Saturday, me and my friends made a plan to go to a graduation party, then a club, then an after party.

The graduation party was more like a cookout so I had to wear something that was appropriate for all events I was going to.

A white bra top, shirt jean shorts, and a button up shirt that I stole from one of my male friends. The button up would definitely be gone before the end of the night.

Lauren and London picked me up in Lauren's new car that she got for graduating. Two of our friends were also in the car, Simone and Jayla. They both had tiny crushes on them so the night was bound to be fun.

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