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I haven't talked to Gigi in over a week. I haven't even seen her, she's been locked in her room.

Her room is father down the hallway than me so I would hear her if she went to the kitchen to get food, I haven't.

I was starting to get worried about her. I know how she can get at times, I didn't want her to hurt herself over anything.

Growing up, my mom struggled with her mental health a lot so I care a lot more than I should. I already know I'm too invested but in a way, I want to try to save her like I couldn't do before.

I didn't tell Bey because we're not together or anything like that, we're just talking.

We've been talking more and more as we get more comfortable with each other.

She let go of the whole hard to get thing and now she's the one getting mad when I take too long to respond.

When we talk on the phone, I try not to be too loud so Gigi doesn't hear and feel a way.

After I got back from my only morning class of the week, I decided enough was enough.

I went to her room door and started banging on it. "Giselle! Open this damn door!" I was going to wear her government name out now that I knew it.

She didn't saw anything and I was contemplating picking her lock to make sure she was even still alive when I got a call from her.

I didn't see why she called me instead of just coming to the door but I answered. "Can you open the door?"

"I don't feel like getting up." She sounded like she just woke up.

"Why? I haven't seen you in like a week."

"Yeah, I know. It was intentional. I can't talk to you right now."

"Why not?" It really wasn't that deep.

"Because I'm embarrassed, obviously. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Can you just come out of the room so we can talk face to face?" Why am I talking to her over the phone when I'm a couple feet away from her?

"My kidneys are failing from not peeing in so long or something, give me a couple minutes."

"Are you good? Like besides the whole us thing, are you good mentally?"

"I'm fine, just give me a couple minutes like I said." I was going to say something about the attitude she was giving me but she already hung up.

As soon as the call ended, I started to get another call except this time it was from Bey. I guess all the women that like me are calling me back to back.

I had to grab my Airpods before I answered so I ran into my room and started digging in my sweater pocket that I wore to class for them.

By the time I found them the call already ended so I called her back. She declined it right away so I called her back, this was going to be my only time doing this.

When she answered, she didn't say anything.

I was confused, I wasn't sure if she even actually answered. "Hello? Bey?"

"If you're busy, we don't need to talk."

I laughed, "Relax. I couldn't find my AirPods."


"Hold on, I'm about to send you something." I couldn't stop laughing just thinking about it. "Let me know when you get it."

I went to our messages and sent her the meme I saved to my phone a couple days ago.

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