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I was so excited, I was surprising Bey and taking her out on a date. She kept telling me how stressed she was so I wanted to help her relax and booked a spa day for us.

I was happy to finally be spending money on her for once, she deserved it and I didn't want our relationship to be one sided.

I had been saving a little date fund for us and this was the perfect opportunity. I booked us a day at a luxury spa and it came with a massage, half an hour in a hot tub, a facial, a sauna, and a mani pedi. There may or may not have been more stuff but that's all I could remember.

If we were feeling up to it, we could go get dinner or a glass of wine somewhere. I didn't want to follow a strict criteria because I didn't want to stress if things didn't go exactly according to plan.

Getting there was going to be a little difficult, especially since it was a surprise, but I had a plan. I told her to come over and then I was going to take over from there.

I was going to drive. Bey and I had been on more than enough driving lessons and I was confident I could drive the couple miles it would take to get to the spa. I've driven on the road before so the only thing I was worried about was Bey letting me drive her car. Usually, we use a car she has in her garage that was Gigis in high school.

I was a little nervous but driving wasn't as hard as I thought. Once you learn the basics, it's pretty easy.

After that, all we could have to do is sit back and relax. Which is just what she needs.

I wasn't sure where we were going to go after but I didn't want to dress up since we were going to be at the spa for most of the day so I wore black straight leg sweatpants and a tank top.

If we were going somewhere fancy it was nothing to come back and change so I wasn't stressing.

When she finally texted me that she was outside, I grabbed everything I needed and got on my elevator.

I spotted her Bentley as soon as I got outside, it was hard not to. I went to the drivers side window and motioned for Bey to roll it down. She was about to get out but stopped and rolled the window down. "Hi baby. I brought some snacks for us."

"Actually, about that.." I was a little nervous so I just smiled. Not only to ask, but if she said yes and I actually had to drive.

"What? Are you alright?" She put her head a little out the window to check me out.

"Do you trust me?"

She was a little hesitant to answer, I can only imagine she thought I was going to get her into. "Of course, why?"

"Do you trust me enough to drive this car?"

She nervously laughed. "What? Why? Where are we going and why can't I drive?"

I flashed a smile. "I just have a little surprise for you. It's less than a fifteen minute drive away."

She looked inside the car and then back at me. She looked scared. "Uhhh.... and you couldn't have told me to bring another car? Are you going to have to get on the highway to get there?"

"No, and Bey you've seen me drive before. Your car will be okay, trust me. You can drive back."

She looked at me with puppy dog eyes. "Why do you have to drive for it to be a surprise? You already got me here under false pretenses, isn't that enough of a surprise?"

"Bey, get in the passenger seat. You're in safe hands, trust me." I wasn't going to kill us.

"I-" She sighed. "Okay. Fine." She very slowly and dramatically got out of the car. She looked like a mold Gigi in her Lululemon set, Gigis favorite brand.

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