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I woke up alone in bed which wasn't a surprise, Bey told me she would be gone by the time I woke up.

She didn't wake me up because she knew I was struggling with my sleep. The night before the flight wasn't the only time I stayed up all night while she slept. It wasn't an everyday thing so I didn't think it was a big deal.

The first thing I did after waking up was stretch, then check my phone. I had a text from Gigi asking me if I was awake, it was early as shit so I assume it was right when Bey woke her up to switch spots.

A couple of my friends texted me asking me how I was and if I was safe because they knew I was going on a trip. I quickly responded to Lauren and London individually then our big groupchat that included the both of them.

I facetimed Gigi after because I wanted to see her if she was awake and not so accidentally wake her up if she wasn't. As always, I had to call her twice to get her to answer because of her dumbass phone always being on do not disturb. Mine was too but I'm different.

She wasn't in bed and actually outside somewhere. She used her hand as a shield to protect her eyes even though she already had sunglasses on and smiled. "Goodmorning. Finally, I've been waiting for you to get up forever."

...It was 9am.

"Where are you? It looks cute." All I could see the ocean.

"At the back of the house. Did you know we have our own personal pool? Get up and get your bikini on, you're late boo." She moved the camera back to give me a wider view of her, she was wearing a pink, blue, and white patterned bikini (I1) and drinking something with a little umbrella in it. It was orange so I assume it was orange juice.

Once again, it was 9am. "Damn, can I brush my teeth first? Where's my pookie?"

"Getting the kids ready for breakfast. We're all going to have breakfast but my mom said you could sleep in for a little longer. It's going to take forever for everybody to get ready."

I smiled, "Shes so cute." She cares about me.

Gigi rolled her eyes and fake gagged. "Anyway, come out here with me."

"Let me get ready first. Call me if they're ready to go to breakfast." I know I take forever.

"Will do. Hurry up though because I want to chill before we have to go meet them."

"Okay. Bye."

Gigi blew a kiss at me and hung up first. I was loving vacation Gigi, I needed to have that same energy. I just had to get a little comfortable first.

I got out of bed to brush my teeth and make myself look a little pretty before breakfast. I didn't do too much because I was planning on taking a shower before we started on any activities.

I wanted to lay by the pool with Gigi so I put on a Dior bikini Bey got me — not the one she got me for my party, but a more expensive pink one, and just put on my platform Gucci slides Bey also bought me. It was one of the first things she bought me so it was special.

I brought an oversized linen shirt with me outside to put on for breakfast as a cover up. It was Beys shirt, her old ass loves some linen.

I went our back where Gigi was and saw her laying down in this white pool chair. There was a pitcher of something next to her and another champagne flute I was assuming was for me.

Her vibe was everything, I needed to be on what she was on.

"Hey girl." I sat my shirt down in one of the chairs and sat down next to her.

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