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I was done. I was done arguing, done begging to be respected in my relationship, done being the only one to change, done with Bey.

I wasn't going to argue anymore, I was just going to pack my shit and leave.

After I went into that room and started crying, I didn't leave until it was time to get off the boat. Gigi came back and forth between the room and up top. I wanted her to have fun and enjoy herself so I was glad, I didn't want her to be miserable just because I was.

Once Gigi told me we docked, I went straight off the boat and to my room without saying a word to anyone. I kept my head held high despite my performance earlier and avoided eye contact with everyone.

I didn't care at the time because of how mad I was but I was a little bit embarrassed to face them now that I calmed down. The way I reacted wasn't completely off brand but I definitely didn't want her family to see that side of me.

But I didn't regret a thing. Bey deserved everything she got.

I was completely done with her. Regardless of what explanation she has, we're over. I was mentally done with it all.

As soon as I got to my room, I took one of the shots I had packed and opened my suitcase. I usually would've called one of my friends to rant but they already weren't her biggest fan so I was going to keep them out the business. At least until I get back in the country.

I had no idea how I was going to get home but I knew I was getting the fuck away from her. I sat on the floor with my suitcase and started to fold clothes. Everything was all over the place so there was no was it would fit unless I refolded everything.

I decided to order room service since I was locked in that room all day and it was connected to Bey or her man's card. I was starving and wanted to run up the bill so I got a full rack of ribs and two sushi rolls.

I knew I couldn't finish all the food by myself so I called Gigi. She answered right away, for the first time. "Hello?"

"Where are you at?"

"About to walk in, what's up? Want me to come to your room?" She definitely thought I was having a mental breakdown or something.

"Yeah, that's fine."

"Let me go put my stuff down and I'll be on my way." I heard her straining and then the front door open so I knew she just came in.

"See you." I hung up the phone before she could say anything else because the call was getting dragged out.

She came in after a couple minutes wearing a completely different outfit. Now she was wearing just a sports bra and Pink boxer shorts. If I had her body I wouldn't ever wear clothes either.

"Are you good?" She was worried about me for once, it's usually the other way around.

I laughed, "Yes I'm good girl. You don't have to look all concerned." I was calm now, that's how I knew I was done. I just wanted to pack my shit and go.

"Well..." She sat down on the edge of my bed. "You're sitting in front of your suitcase."

"I'm leaving, but that doesn't mean I'm not good. I actually feel pretty decent after getting all that out."

"How are you getting home?"

I shrugged. "I'll make her pay for it somehow. All I know is I'm not paying for that shit." I'm the victim here.

"You know how my mom is, that lady doesn't mind when it comes to you." I know, unfortunately. "I could probably ask for you if you don't want to talk to her."

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