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I could've believe it, but I was really going to let Bey fuck me with a strap.

Her excitement was somehow making it worse for me. I had to let someone who would literally squeal and clap her hands just at the idea, bend me over.

I wasn't completely opposed to the idea since sex was her was going to fun no matter what we did, but I was basically about to lose my virginity.

We were going out of town for her birthday, just us, to Canada but more specifically Toronto.

I was excited, we were spending three nights there. I planned one day for us, we were having a tourist day one day, and she told me she had a surprise planned for me. I had no idea what the surprise was going to be but she kept gassing it up like it was going to be something big so I was a little nervous.

Since we were leaving for her birthday, she wanted to do something with her family before we left. She was having a small get together with just a couple of her closest friends at her bakery after hours.

Kelly was taking care of that so all we had to do was show up when it was time.

Before then, we had to make a little stop to a sex store. I would've been fine just going to the back of Spencer's but I wasn't paying or driving so it didn't matter to me.

She picked me up at around 5:00pm so we wouldn't have to rush but I was already dressed so we could go straight to her party from there.

My outfit was just something slight, just a white white asymmetrical tube top and ripped jeans. I didn't want to do too much since the focus was on Bey.

We kind of accidentally matched with the tube top expect Bey was wearing a black one and black pleated pants. Even though we were dressed pretty similar, the way Bey accessorized just put her outfit over the top. All her gold jewelry matched the gold on her Louis Vuitton purse and sunglasses.

I had to stop myself from literally tackling her and taking her there but both of us had our hair and makeup done so I just gave her a couple little picks. "Hey sexy. You smell so good."

She laughed and moved me back. "You're like a dog in heat, I love it. And why are we matching?"

"I know, I was literally just thinking that. We're going to look so out of place looking for dildos in this nice ass outfits." Hopefully we were just in and out.

"I have another pair of sunglasses in the back if you want to put some on. But put your seatbelt on, we're on a little time crunch." She patted my leg and sat back.

I did what she said and she drove off. The sex store wasn't terribly far but with traffic it was about a 25 minute drive. We talked the entire time so it felt shorter than what it was.

I didn't feel awkward or embarrassed going into the store since we were two grown ass girlfriends, but I still put the sunglasses on. 

We walked in hand in hand and were immediately met with sex.

"Oh!" Bey bashfully giggled and looked down. At her grown ass age.

"Bey, you're the one that wanted to come buy sex toys. What did you expect us to walk into?" I took the lead and walked us to the section that was specifically for strap ons.

I was honestly surprised by the variety of options they have.

"We should've done some research before we came, this is a little overwhelming. I didn't even know they had many types."

As much as I wanted to sit there all day and really weigh out our options, we had a party to get to. "Let's start with the main part and figure out the extras later. Do you see anything that interests you? I'm just going to say right now not to look at anything too big because we're not getting it."

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