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Shit was the only word to describe how I felt. The second I woke up, I had to run to the bathroom to throw up.

I didn't even realize I wasn't in my apartment until I looked up and noticed the toilet was a lot fancier than the one at home.

I was at Beys apartment, somehow. I didn't even remember seeing Bey last night, but I couldn't remember much about last night. Expect for that I drank way too much from how I was feeling. 

The room was spinning and my head was pounding. I felt like I got hit by an eight wheeler.

I already knew where Bey kept her spare toothbrushes so I grabbed another unopened one and used it. She needed to start charging me for them.

After I was done brushing my teeth and finishing my face a little bit, I left the bathroom and went to check on Bey.

She was still sleeping so I got in bed behind her and started tickling the side of her neck with the top of my tongue. I probably called her to come get me when I got drunk because I wanted to fuck.

She started to swat me away and I laughed then whispered. "Wake up pookie." I felt like shit but I still wanted to talk to her.

She mumbled, "Move."

She sounded irritated and I probably was stressing her out so I moved off her. I was still kind of tired so I quickly started to doze off again.

I was in the state of being asleep but still kind of aware of what was going on when I heard a bunch of kids voices. I knew it was Beys kids but I didn't really feel like talking to them so I didn't open my eyes.

"Y'all, please, give me a couple minutes. I'm tired and not feeling good, I'll make breakfast in a little bit. Just go watch tv downstairs for a little bit." She sounded so tired, her voice was raspier than usual.

"Mama, you're having a sleepover again?" That was Rumi asking.

I don't understand why she always put me in her bed knowing her kids come into her room every morning.

Bey hummed. "Yeah, just a sleepover. But go, I'm about to go brush my teeth then I'll come downstairs to make breakfast."

The kids all says okay and ran out the room. I rolled over and tried to lay on Bey but she pushed my head back. "Get off me."

I slowly opened my eyes and my eyebrows furrowed. "Well good morning to you too?"

"Morning." She got out of bed and I started at her with a confused expression while she went into the bathroom.

I got up too and followed her because I was lost. "Is something wrong?" She ignored me and grabbed her toothbrush. "Bey-"

"I just woke up a second ago, can I not have a second of peace and quiet? Jesus Christ." She was definitely mad, I just didn't know why.

But didn't want to make her any more mad so I just left the bathroom. It was way too early.

I had no idea where my phone was so I couldn't even distract myself. All I could do was play with my nails until she eventually came out of the bathroom.

She walked straight past me like I wasn't even there and went into her closet. I was getting fed up so I got up and followed her. "What's wrong pookie?"

"Oh, now I'm pookie?" She chuckled humorlessly. "I was just an old creepy bitch last night."

I didn't mean to but I was looking at her like she was dumb. I can't help my facial expressions. "What are you talking about?"  She left the closet without saying anything and I followed again. "Bey this ignoring shit is so dead, talk to me."

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