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Onika and I spent two days together and it was great. It was almost like we were living together.

I went over that night after I taught her how to drive and she cooked for me. We watched a movie and then ended the night with her showing me her appreciation with her mouth and other body parts.

The next morning we got breakfast and the bakery and she stayed there while I worked. She said it helped her be more productive, she was doing something on her old laptop. I needed to buy her a new one.

After we left the bakery, we went back home and took a nap together. She wasn't even tired but I was exhausted. I went to make sure Giselle and my house was okay then forced Onika to go out to dinner with me. She didn't want to spend any more of my money but I was craving dessert from my favorite restaurant.

We had nice conversation and ended the night with more sex. The things she was doing to me had me ready to give her any and everything she wanted.

The next day we just hung out. Onika got another call that stressed her out and even though she didn't cry, she smoked again. It didn't really affect me much since she did it on her balcony, she just came inside and ate a bunch then laid on top of me.

We ordered in for dinner and I left the following morning. She didn't want me to leave but as a woman with young children, she was lucky I was even able to stay two days.

I had to get my kids from my moms house, they were wearing that lady thin. They act like they were raised by wolves sometimes, especially when they're all together.

I was busy from the moment I got them to the minute they all went to sleep. Chasing them around made me exhausted so I took a shower and started catching up on a show on the couch in my living room.

I was starting to fall asleep when I felt a dip
on the couch. I assumed it was Sir since he was begging me to let him stay up later but it was actually Giselle.

Even though things are better with us, our relationship is far from perfect. We don't just sit on the couch watching tv together.

"Hey mama."

"Hey." I sat up a little bit. "Is everything alright?"

"You know I have no problem with you and Onika, right?"

Oh Jesus. "Yeah, we've already talked about that. Why are you bringing her up now?"

"I just don't want you to think I'm sabotaging your relationship or anything when I tell you this."

"... Tell me what?" I know she lies sometimes so I was prepared to take whatever she said with a grain of salt.

She bit the inside of her lip, something she does when she's stressed. "Okay, you know Onikas like my favorite person but you're my mom and I would be wrong if I just saw what I saw and didn't say anything."

"What did you see?" She wasn't helping, all she was doing was getting me riled up thinking about what she could possibly have done.

"She was at this pool party and she's just... having a ball, basically. But I don't think you would like it."

I raised one of my eyebrows. "Having a ball how?"

"Well everyone at the party has been posting videos and I've seen her dancing on people, having drinks poured into her mouth, and stuff like that. That's the stuff she usually does but know that I know she's with you, it's kind of different."

"Oh really?" She didn't have to say anything else, I grabbed my phone and started calling Onika. I know how I met Onika so I didn't think Giselle was lying at all.

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