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Excitement and a little anxiety about the vacation kept me awake in Beys bed. I slept over the night before our flight just so it would be easier to get to the airport in the morning.

Bey also wanted to have sex and be all coupley before I would have to just be Gigis friend. We were both grown so I don't know why she was so scared of her mom and sister but for whatever reason she didn't feel comfortable so I was going to play my role.

Being Gigis fun would be a lot less pressure, and I was definitely going just to have fun. Me and Gigi were going to be outside every day of that vacation.

Even though I was over 21,  the legal drinking age there was 18 so nobody could say shit to me anyway.

Our flight was pretty early so even though I couldn't sleep, I wasn't the only one awake for long.

Beys alarm went off at exactly 3:30am and if I wasn't already awake, I definitely would have been with that loud ass alarm. The first thing she did was roll over and kiss my cheek. "Morning."

"Good morning."

She draped an arm and leg over my body. "I just want to lay here for a little bit but my mom will kill me if we miss this flight."

"Maybe just a minute or two." It would definitely end up being more than a minute or two. I ran my hand over the scarf she had protecting her hair, I had a matching one on. We were so corny. "I'll never get over how beautiful you look in the morning. You're not a real person." If I wasn't up the entire night I would've thought she got up and put makeup on.

She smiled. "You're not. Did you even sleep?" I don't know how we went from being cute to her being in mommy mode.

"I couldn't but I'll just sleep on the plane or something."

"You should've woken me up, I would've stayed up and talked to you."

"It's fine, nasty, I know you were tired." She definitely did her big one last night. I knew it was going to be something special when she made Gigi take her kids to the movies.

She laughed and started to get off me. "Funny. Let me go wake these kids up and I'll come back. Call Giselle and make sure she's awake."

"You know she hates being called that, right?" Beys the only one that calls her that.

"Hhmph." She didn't say anything and left the room. Well that was between her and Gigi.

I turned my phone back on and Facetimed Gigi. I had to call her twice before she answered because her phone was on so not disturb and I could tell I woke her up because of how crazy she looked. Her hair was all in her face and she barely opened her eyes. "Hello?"

"Sorry for waking you up but your mom told me to wake you up. Get the crust out of your eyes before this flight."

She groaned and rolled over. "I'm tired as shit. I couldn't even go to sleep when I wanted to because I had to take those- my siblings to the movies so you guys could do whatever you did." She knew exactly what we did but she was too grossed out to say it.

"I didn't even sleep. We can sleep on each other in the car on the way."

An evil smirk appeared on her face. "Do you want to take an edible before the flight?"

"...Lowkey. But your mom might kill me." Bey thinks I'm the bad influence and if we get caught, she'll definitely blame me.

"I've taken these enough to know just how much to take. It'll be fine."

"I'll have to weigh the pros and cons out first." It could be fun but I did not feel like hearing Beys mouth about drugs.

"Lame ass but okay. I'll come to the main house after I'm done getting ready."

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