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As soon as we got to Onikas apartment, it was on. We went straight to her room and clothes were just everywhere.

We spent a good amount of time kissing each other. We were in a rush to get here, not to finish.

I loved kissing her. She always took her time, I loved that about her. But we could only kiss naked for so long so I pushed her onto her back and started to trail kisses down her body.

I only got to her collarbone before she put her hand on my shoulder to stop me and sat up a little bit. "Hold on."

"Everything alright?" I got off her just to make sure nothing was wrong.

"No, I wanted to go first."

"Huh?" She couldn't be serious.

"Let me give you head first."

"Onika, please." She couldn't seriously be asking me that. I pushed her back down by her shoulder until she was laying down again and went back to kissing her body.

"Fine but my turn right after."

"Shut up."

She put her hand on the back of my neck. "You shut up and get to munching."

I rolled my eyes and put one of her nipples in my mouth. That seemed to shut her up.

I had my fun with that and continued down her body until I got to the most important part. I spread her legs and she bent them so her feet were up by my shoulders and her knees were up.

I was planning on taking my time but Onika pushed my face in before I could even start to tease her or anything. She's not the biggest fan of foreplay.

With her hand pushing on my head, I couldn't do much else but what she told me to do. I got to 'munching' as she would say.

Onika sounded so sexy, I loved that she was a talker. But one thing I hated is she'll just finish without giving me any type of warning.

I got off of her and laid next to her kissing her cheek and neck after she let me go.

She sighed. "I'm so terrible at sex because after I cum, I don't want to be touched or even be around anybody."

"We can stop now if you want." But I really don't want to.

"No, just give me a minute so I can stop... throbbing."

I laughed, "Okay."

I laid there and gave her a minute until she eventually jumped up. "Okay I'm ready." I turned on my back and we got the exact same position we were in earlier, but with the roles reversed.

She dove right in and I accidentally let out a gasp. I closed my eyes tight when I initially felt her tongue but that only tightened the feeling.

When I felt her stop, I opened my eyes again and saw her coming up to kiss me. I put my hands on the side of her face when she leaned down to
kiss me.

She put two fingers inside of me while kissing me and I was in heaven. I could barely keep up with the kiss, her fingers were hitting my g spot over and over again.

I hadn't felt that in years.

Eventually, I just stopped trying to keep up because it was becoming too much. "Jesus Christ." She probably thought I thought I sounded so old but I didn't even care.

"Your shit it so wet, you hear that?"

I definitely could hear it, I thought it was a little embarrassing honestly. "Mhm."

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