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something short


I woke up to my alarm blaring and jumped up to turn it off. I couldn't even remember when I set

Looking over, I realized I was in bed alone. I would've thought last night was all a dream if I didn't smell bacon cooking.

Gigis lazy ass wouldn't wake up and start cooking but Bey definitely would.

It's been a while since we've seen each other, let alone spend a night together, so I got up to make myself look presentable.

I might not get back with her but I could definitely show her what she was missing. I went to my bathroom to wash my face and do my hair.

I didn't put makeup on because she would be able to tell and I didn't think I needed it but my hair definitely needed the help. I still wanted to look like I just woke up so I took my hair out of the scarf and just put it in a bun.

Hopefully Gigi didn't say about how I usually look like a gremlin for the first couple hours I'm awake.

After I was satisfied with how I looked, I put on a hoodie and my fuzzy slippers. I looked cute but also like I just slipped out of bed, the goal.

I put on my most tired face before walking out of my room and following the smell of bacon to my kitchen.

Both Bey and Kelly were in my kitchen. Bey was at my stove cooking in some clothes she stole from my closet and Kelly was at my kitchen island with her head down. Real.

I walked over to see what Bey was cooking and the smell made my knees a little weak. She was making french toast with my Trader Joe's croissant bread. She was lucky I just went grocery shopping or we could be sharing a personal bottle of cranberry juice and a couple strawberries.

"Mmm." I took a big whiff just to get on her nerves, she hated people being all in her food. "It smells good."

She didn't say anything because she was trying to get back on my good side but I swear I saw her eye twitch. "Thanks, I hope you don't mind-"

"You're good, you probably made better use of it than me. Use whatever you want." Bey could cook her ass off, I would let her use all my groceries if it meant I could eat something she made.

She smiled. I hated the eye contact we were making. I was looking up at her and she was looking right back down at me. I could feel my face soften and I knew I was done for. She had me. "Why don't you sit down? I can bring you a plate when I'm done cooking."

"Okay." I kind of wanted to stay but I left and went to sit on my couch to get out of her way.

I got on Tiktok to help the time go by faster. It works everytime, I can somehow always lose track of time on that app.

I didn't know how long it was before I felt someone sit next to me. I turned expecting it to be Bey but it was Gigi instead. She sighed, "Morning."

"Goodmorning daughter." I was feeling extra annoying. "What did you end up doing last night?"

"Well I couldn't come in your room since you and my mom were doing... whatever you were doing, so I just went straight to sleep in my old room."

"We didn't do anything." Not that it was all the way her business. "I still haven't forgiven her."

"Mmm." She gave me a skeptical look with one of her eyebrows raised. "She just slept in your bed last night and is making you breakfast now?"

"Yeah." Basically. "It's going to take a lot more than her being sexy for me to forgive her."

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