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Stress wasn't even the word.

My kids had me running around from the moment we left the vet breakfast to when the sun came down. I took them to my moms house because she's always more than happy to see them and I needed the help.

I left them there to spend the night after spending the whole day at her house because Giselle and I needed to have a conversation and knowing us, it could get loud.

I couldn't believe she snuck a boy into my home. For sex, at that.

I didn't even know she was doing things like that. Her and Onika are similar in age but I've always seen them having completely different maturity levels. Giselle is still a little girl to me.

When I got home, I already had what I was going to say prepared. I went straight to the kitchen to clean the breakfast I was making from earlier because I knew Giselle wouldn't clean up.

Surprisingly, the kitchen was spotless. There was a cake on my cake stand on the middle of the table. I know I didn't make it, it didn't even look like anything I would make because I was a professional.

The cake had white frosting and black words. It said 'Sorry mama' with a badly frosted bee. I was assuming it was coming from both Onika and Giselle, they were just calling me mama in two different ways.

I smiled and took a picture of it, even though it wouldn't save either of them from the conversations I needed to have with both of them.

Onika and I could talk in a couple days after I calmed down. I think I was more mad by her response this morning than what she did last night.

She laughed in my face and made excuse after excuse instead of taking accountability. Nothing about her disrespecting me was funny, and blaming it on us being from different generations was bullshit.

I'm not that old. I know what she meant and I still didn't like it. I know people her age go out and do the things she does, but not the ones that are in relationships. Or at least not ones that want to be in a relationship with me.

I went from the kitchen to the living room and was surprised to see both Onika and Giselle asleep on the couch. There was a McDonald's bag with the food wrappers out and a bunch of snacks from the pantry spread out on the coffee table.

Onika was in a slouched sitting position and Giselle was laying down with her feet by Onika. They even had the nerve to unfold my decorative throw blanket.

The least they could've done was clean up, they had my living room looking a mess.

I walked around the couch and started shaking both of their shoulders. It only took a second because I was shaking them fairly aggressively, which they deserved.

Giselle opened her eyes first, immediately followed by Onika. Onika just smiled and Giselle looked like she woke up to a monster standing over her.

I had no idea why the hell Onika was still at my house in the first place. I definitely kicked her out at least twice before I left.

Onika reached past me and started to clean up as soon as she was awake. "Fuck, sorry. I didn't mean to fall asleep before I cleaned up." She started to scrunch all the bags and wrappers together so she could throw them away.

Giselle sat up and rubbed her eyes. "Hey mama. Where are your kids?"

"At grandmas." I turned to Onika. "Why are you still in my house?"

She didn't look phased by my rudeness. "I'm not leaving here until we're good."

"Well I guess you can spend the night, as long as you're in the guest house." Because I wasn't talking to her today. I turned back to Giselle, "You and I are definitely talking today, little girl."

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